有没有一种简单的方法可以比较所有不是 none 的项目的两个 class 对象?

Is there a simple way to compare two class objects for all items that are not none?

我想比较相同 class 的两个实例,但只比较两者都不是 None 的项目。


我将有一个 Bolt class,一个实例将有:

bolt1.locx = 1.0
bolt1.locy = 2.0
bolt1.locz = 3.0
bolt1.rpid = 1234
bolt1.nsid = [1,2,3,4]

bolt2.locx = 1.0
bolt2.locy = 2.0
bolt2.locz = 3.0
bolt2.rpid = None
bolt2.nsid = None

在这种情况下,我想比较这些 class 是否为真。

我知道我可以使用每个 class 的 __dict__ 来遍历属性,但我想知道这是否可以作为列表理解。


class Bolt:
    # ...

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if [self.locx, self.locy, self.locz] != [other.locx, other.locy, other.locz]:
            return False
        if self.rpid is not None && other.rpid is not None && self.rpid != other.rpid:
            return False
        if self.nsid is not None && other.nsid is not None && self.nsid != other.nsid:
            return False
        return True

我还没有完全了解平等的要求,但我认为 operator 中的 attrgetter 可能对 循环中的实例比较有用 。这是一个用法示例:

from operator import attrgetter

attrs = ('locx', 'locx', 'locz', 'rpid', 'nsid')

checks = []
for attr in attrs:
    attr1 = attrgetter(attr)(bolt1)
    attr2 = attrgetter(attr)(bolt2)

    if attr1 is None and attr2 is None:
    checks.append(attr1 == attr2)



class Bolt:
    def __eq__(self, other):
        # check if the objects have a different set of attributes
        if self.__dict__.keys() != other.__dict__.keys():
            return False
        for attr, self_attr in self.__dict__.items():
            other_attr = getattr(other, attr)
            if (self_attr is None) or (other_attr is None):
            elif self_attr != other_attr:
                return False
        return True
bolt1 = Bolt()
bolt2 = Bolt()

bolt1.locx = 1.0
bolt1.locy = 2.0
bolt1.locz = 3.0
bolt1.rpid = 1234
bolt1.nsid = [1,2,3,4]

bolt2.locx = 1.0
bolt2.locy = 2.0
bolt2.locz = 3.0
bolt2.rpid = None
bolt2.nsid = None


>>> bolt1.__dict__

{'locx': 1.0, 'locy': 2.0, 'locz': 3.0, 'rpid': 1234, 'nsid': [1, 2, 3, 4]}

>>> bolt2.__dict__

{'locx': 1.0, 'locy': 2.0, 'locz': 3.0, 'rpid': None, 'nsid': None}

>>> bolt1 == bolt2 

>>> bolt2.rpid = 1
>>> bolt2.__dict__

{'locx': 1.0, 'locy': 2.0, 'locz': 3.0, 'rpid': 1, 'nsid': None}

>>> bolt1 == bolt2
False      # different 'rpid' attribute values

>>> bolt2.rpid = None
>>> bolt2.extra_attr = 2
>>> bolt2.__dict__

{'locx': 1.0, 'locy': 2.0, 'locz': 3.0, 'rpid': None, 'nsid': None, 'extra_attr': 2}

>>> bolt1 == bolt2
False      # different set of attributes