
Accessing specific elements in Arraylist of Objects


public class Student {
    private String lName;
    private int idNumber;
    private int age;

    public Student() {
        lName = "";
        idNumber = 0;
        age = 0;
    public Student(String l, int i, int a) {
        lName = l;
        idNumber = i;
        age = a;

    public void setName(String last) {
        lName = last;

    public String getName() {
        return lName;

    public void setIdNum(int num) {
        idNumber = num;

    public int getIdNum() {
        return idNumber;

    public void setAge(int a) {
        age = a;

    public int getAge() {
        return age;


  Josh          2134         19
  Smith         5256         21
  Rogers        9248         19
  Andrew        7742         20


public static void main(String[] args) {
    String file = "studentData.txt";
    Scanner reader = new Scanner(file);

    ArrayList<Student> users = readFile(file);
    Student s = new Student();

    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
    //user enters idNumber to display age
    System.out.println("Enter ID Number"); //exception handling to be added
    int idNum = input.nextInt();

//this part is where I'm stuck 
    for(int i = 0; i < users.get(i) i++){
    if(idNum == users.get(i)){

 public static ArrayList<Student> readFile(String file)throws IOException{
    Scanner reader = new Scanner(new File(file));

    ArrayList<Student> list = new ArrayList<Student>();//creates ArrayList with student object

    reader.nextLine();//skips first line
    while(reader.hasNext()){//splits all text in the file into words
      String lName = reader.next();
      int idNum = reader.nextInt();
      int age = reader.nextInt();
    Student users = new Student(lName ,idNum, age); 
   return list;

}//end method

我想解决这个问题的唯一方法是读取文件 3 次,将姓名、身份证号和年龄存储在单独的数组列表中。然后使用该单独的数组列表使用 ageList.get(i) 来存储年龄。我相信那将是超级不必要的??


      for(int i = 0; i < users.size(); i++){
         if(idNum == users.get(i).getIdNum()){
            final Student temp = users.get(i);
            System.out.println("Student with an ID of " + temp.getIdNum() + " has an age of " + temp.getAge());

在这里,我链接 users.get(i) 以在索引 i 处获取 Student,然后我调用 getIdNum(),它从 Student 获取 ID我刚拿的。

然后,我执行 == 比较 --> 用户输入的 ID 是否与我正在查看的这个特定 Student 的 ID 相同?

如果结果为真,我会再次调用 users.get(i),这会再次获取相同的 Student,然后将其存储到名为 [=22] 的临时 Student 变量中=]. temp 现在在通过 ID 检查的 ArrayList 上引用 Student

然后,我采用 temp,并使用它具有的 getIdNum()getAge() 方法(因为 tempStudent 的一个实例, Student 有这些方法),并使用它们创建一条消息,我将其打印到命令行上。


import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class SOQ_20220514

   public static class Student {
      private String lName;
      private int idNumber;
      private int age;
      public Student() {
         lName = "";
         idNumber = 0;
         age = 0;
      public Student(String l, int i, int a) {
         lName = l;
         idNumber = i;
         age = a;
      public void setName(String last) {
         lName = last;
      public String getName() {
         return lName;
      public void setIdNum(int num) {
         idNumber = num;
      public int getIdNum() {
         return idNumber;
      public void setAge(int a) {
         age = a;
      public int getAge() {
         return age;

   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      String file = "studentData.txt";
      Scanner reader = new Scanner(file);
      ArrayList<Student> users = readFile(file);
      Student s = new Student();
      Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
    //user enters idNumber to display age
      System.out.println("Enter ID Number"); //exception handling to be added
      int idNum = input.nextInt();
   //this part is where I'm stuck 
      for(int i = 0; i < users.size(); i++){
         if(idNum == users.get(i).getIdNum()){
            final Student temp = users.get(i);
            System.out.println("Student with an ID of " + temp.getIdNum() + " has an age of " + temp.getAge());
   public static ArrayList<Student> readFile(String file)throws IOException{
      Scanner reader = new Scanner(new File(file));
      ArrayList<Student> list = new ArrayList<Student>();//creates ArrayList with student object
      reader.nextLine();//skips first line
      while(reader.hasNext()){//splits all text in the file into words
         String lName = reader.next();
         int idNum = reader.nextInt();
         int age = reader.nextInt();
         Student users = new Student(lName ,idNum, age); 
      return list;
   }//end method



提供输入数据。我将用 String 模拟一个文件作为文本输入。

String input =

定义一个Studentclass来保存数据。如果此 class 的主要目的是透明且不可变的数据通信,请使用 record。编译器隐式创建构造函数、getter、equals & hashCodetoString.

record Student( String name , int id , int age ) { }

请注意,我们可以在本地方法中声明一个 record。或者声明嵌套在另一个 class 中,或者单独声明。


首先,我们为输入文本中的每一行创建一个流。通过调用String#lines,我们得到一个Stream< String >,一系列String.


对于其中的每一行,我们调用 Stream#map 来创建另一个流。我们用逗号字符分割每一行,得到一个字符串数组,String[]。每个数组有三个元素,每行三个信息。

对于行部分的每个字符串数组,我们再次调用 Stream#map 以创建另一个流。第三个流将是 Student 个对象的流。我们生成每个 Student 对象,方法是获取该行的三个部分,将第 2 部分和第 3 部分解析为 int 值,并将所有 3 个输入到我们的 Student 记录的构造函数中。结果是 Student,一个接一个的学生对象,形成第三个流。

最后,我们将第三个流产生的 Student 个对象收集到一个列表中。

List < Student > students =
                .lines()                            // First stream, of `String` objects, one for each line in our source text.
                .map( line -> line.split( "," ) )   // Second stream, of `String[]` objects. 
                .map( lineParts ->                  // Third stream, of `Student` objects produced by the three parts of each line of input text.
                        new Student(
                                lineParts[ 0 ] ,
                                Integer.parseInt( lineParts[ 1 ] ) ,
                                Integer.parseInt( lineParts[ 2 ]

您的目标是更改每个学生的年龄。要使用不可变对象(记录)做到这一点,我们可以定义一个方法,该方法 returns 基于原始值的新对象。所以我们添加一个withAge方法。我们使用单词 with per naming conventions established by the java.time classes.

record Student( String name , int id , int age )
    Student withAge ( int age ) { return new Student( this.name , this.id , age ); }


List < Student > results = new ArrayList <>( students.size() );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < students.size() ; i++ )
    Student student = students.get( i );
    results.add( student.withAge( i ) );

这是整个示例 class,为了您 copy-paste 方便。

package work.basil.example.text;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class App
    public static void main ( String[] args )
        App app = new App();

    private void demo ( )
        String input =

        record Student( String name , int id , int age )
            Student withAge ( int age ) { return new Student( this.name , this.id , age ); }

        List < Student > students =
                        .map( line -> line.split( "," ) )
                        .map( lineParts ->
                                new Student(
                                        lineParts[ 0 ] ,
                                        Integer.parseInt( lineParts[ 1 ] ) ,
                                        Integer.parseInt( lineParts[ 2 ]

        List < Student > results = new ArrayList <>( students.size() );
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < students.size() ; i++ )
            Student student = students.get( i );
            results.add( student.withAge( i ) );

        System.out.println( "students = " + students );
        System.out.println( "results = " + results );


students = [Student[name=Josh, id=2134, age=19], Student[name=Smith, id=5256, age=21], Student[name=Rogers, id=9248, age=19], Student[name=Andrew, id=7742, age=20]] results = [Student[name=Josh, id=2134, age=0], Student[name=Smith, id=5256, age=1], Student[name=Rogers, id=9248, age=2], Student[name=Andrew, id=7742, age=3]]