
Are indexes built CONCURRENTLY different in any way?

PostgreSQL CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY 是否意味着即使在初始索引构建之后,新的和未来的插入也不会立即被索引(在索引方面高度一致)?

没有。 CREATE INDEX 带有修饰符 CONCURRENTLY 产生的索引与没有修饰符的索引完全相同。

CONCURRENTLY 仅更改索引最初创建的方式,这意味着它不会阻止并发写入。一个副作用是创建索引比没有创建索引花费的时间要长得多 CONCURRENTLY,尤其是在并发写入负载下(否则会被阻塞,直到命令完成)。

The manual:


When this option is used, PostgreSQL will build the index without taking any locks that prevent concurrent inserts, updates, or deletes on the table; whereas a standard index build locks out writes (but not reads) on the table until it's done. There are several caveats to be aware of when using this option — see Building Indexes Concurrently below.

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