
I don't understand how nodes work in a linked list

我对 node = node.nextself.head 以及

node.next = self.head
self.head = new_node

将 new_node 中的任何内容添加到列表的开头。



new_node.next = node.next
node.next = new_node


prev_node.next = new_node
new_node.next = node


previous_node.next = node.next



class Node:
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.data = data
        self.next = None

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.data

class LinkedList:
    def __init__(self, nodes=None):
        self.head = None
        if nodes is not None:
            node = Node(data=nodes.pop(0))
            self.head = node
            for elem in nodes:
                node.next = Node(data=elem)
                node = node.next

    def __repr__(self):
        node = self.head
        nodes = []
        while node is not None:
            node = node.next
        return " -> ".join(nodes)

    def __iter__(self):
        node = self.head
        while node is not None:
            yield node
            node = node.next

    def add_after(self, target_node_data, new_node):

        for node in self:
            if node.data == target_node_data:
                new_node.next = node.next
                node.next = new_node

    def add_before(self, target_node_data, new_node):

        if self.head.data == target_node_data:
            return self.add_first(new_node)

        for node in self:
            if node.data == target_node_data:
                prev_node.next = new_node
                new_node.next = node
            prev_node = node

    def remove_node(self, target_node_data):

        if self.head.data == target_node_data:
            self.head = self.head.next

        previous_node = self.head
        for node in self:
            if node.data == target_node_data:
                previous_node.next = node.next
            previous_node = node

llist = LinkedList(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])


llist.add_after('c', Node('1'))


llist.add_before('d', Node('2'))






object:        node1        node2        node3       node4       node5
data type:     Node
    name:      data
    contents:  'a'          'b'          'c'          'd'        'e'

    name:      next
    contents:  node2        node3        node4        node5      None


object:        llist
data type:     LinkedList
    name:      head
    contents:  node1

按照惯例,链表的第一个节点称为链表的head,最后一个节点(即next属性等于null的节点, or None in python) 被称为链表的tail。在我们的示例中,node1 是头部,node5 是尾部。

让我们看看您的 LinkedList class 中的关键方法(__iter__add_afteradd_beforeremove_node)。


    def __iter__(self):
        node = self.head
        while node is not None:
            yield node
            node = node.next

这个方法允许我们使用像for node in self这样的语言结构来遍历链表中的节点。在我们的示例中:

node = self.head           # assigns `node1` object to variable node

while node is not None:    # tests `True`
yield node                 # makes `node1` available to the caller on call #1
node = node.next           # assigns `node2` to variable node

while node is not None:    # tests `True`
yield node                 # makes `node2` available to the caller on call #2
node = node.next           # assigns `node3` to variable node

while node is not None:    # tests `True`
yield node                 # makes `node3` available to the caller on call #3
node = node.next           # assigns `node4` to variable node

while node is not None:    # tests `True`
yield node                 # makes `node4` available to the caller on call #4
node = node.next           # assigns `node5` to variable node

while node is not None:    # tests `True`
yield node                 # makes `node5` available to the caller on call #5
node = node.next           # assigns `None` to variable node

while node is not None:    # tests `False`


def add_after(self, target_node_data, new_node):

        for node in self:
            if node.data == target_node_data:
                new_node.next = node.next
                node.next = new_node

此方法查找其 data 属性与 target_node_data 参数匹配的现有节点,并在匹配节点之后(或“下游”)立即插入参数 new_node


llist.add_after('c', Node('1'))

然后 add_after 会这样做:

for node in self:                    # assigns `node1` object to variable node by calling `__iter__`
if node.data == target_node_data:    # node1.data is 'a', target_node_data is 'c', so comparison tests False

for node in self:                    # assigns `node2` object to variable node by calling `__iter__`
if node.data == target_node_data:    # node2.data is 'b', target_node_data is 'c', so comparison tests False

for node in self:                    # assigns `node3` object to variable node by calling `__iter__`
if node.data == target_node_data:    # node3.data is 'c', target_node_data is 'c', so comparison tests True

                                     # we now want to "splice" new_node in place between node and node.next
new_node.next = node.next            # assigns `node4` object (which is referenced by node.next) to new_node.next
node.next = new_node                 # update node.next to now reference new_node
                                     # NOTE: further down in this answer, we will refer to the node object we have added here as node3_1

return                               # the method has finished its work, so it returns without examining any further downstream nodes


object:        node1        node2        node3        node3_1     node4       node5
data type:     Node
    name:      data
    contents:  'a'          'b'          'c'          '1'         'd'         'e'

    name:      next
    contents:  node2        node3        node3_1      node4       node5       None


    def add_before(self, target_node_data, new_node):

        if self.head.data == target_node_data:
            return self.add_first(new_node)

        for node in self:
            if node.data == target_node_data:
                prev_node.next = new_node
                new_node.next = node
            prev_node = node

此方法查找其 data 属性与 target_node_data 参数匹配的现有节点,并在匹配节点之前(或“上游”)插入参数 new_node


llist.add_before('d', Node('2'))


if self.head.data == target_node_data:  # handles an edge case: if head is the node we want to add our node before, we need to update our head attribute
return self.add_first(new_node)         # this method is not shown in your question, but would simply do this: new_node.next = self.head; self.head = new_node
                                        # NOTE: does not apply in our example

for node in self:                       # assigns `node1` object to variable node by calling `__iter__`
if node.data == target_node_data:       # node1.data is 'a', target_node_data is 'd', so comparison tests False
prev_node = node                        # save a reference to the 'node1' object in variable prev_node

for node in self:                       # assigns `node2` object to variable node by calling `__iter__`
if node.data == target_node_data:       # node1.data is 'b', target_node_data is 'd', so comparison tests False
prev_node = node                        # save a reference to the 'node2' object in variable prev_node

for node in self:                       # assigns `node3` object to variable node by calling `__iter__`
if node.data == target_node_data:       # node1.data is 'c', target_node_data is 'd', so comparison tests False
prev_node = node                        # save a reference to the 'node3' object in variable prev_node

for node in self:                       # assigns `node3_1` object to variable node by calling `__iter__`
if node.data == target_node_data:       # node3_1.data is '1', target_node_data is 'd', so comparison tests False
prev_node = node                        # save a reference to the 'node3_1' object in variable prev_node

for node in self:                       # assigns `node4` object to variable node by calling `__iter__`
if node.data == target_node_data:       # node4.data is 'd', target_node_data is 'd', so comparison tests True

                                        # we now want to "splice" new_node in place 
prev_node.next = new_node               # assigns the object referenced by the new_node argument to the next attribute of 'node3_1'
new_node.next = node                    # assigns 'node4' to the next attribute of new_node
                                        # NOTE: further down in this answer, we will refer to the node object we have added here as node3_2

return                                  # the method has finished its work, so it returns without examining any further downstream nodes


object:        node1        node2        node3        node3_1     node3_2     node4       node5
data type:     Node
    name:      data
    contents:  'a'          'b'          'c'          '1'         '2'         'd'         'e'

    name:      next
    contents:  node2        node3        node3_1      node3_2      node4       node5       None


    def remove_node(self, target_node_data):

        if self.head.data == target_node_data:
            self.head = self.head.next

        previous_node = self.head
        for node in self:
            if node.data == target_node_data:
                previous_node.next = node.next
            previous_node = node

此方法查找其 data 属性与 target_node_data 参数匹配的现有节点,并在匹配节点之前(或“上游”)插入参数 new_node




if self.head.data == target_node_data:  # handles an edge case: if head is the node we want to remove, we need to update our head attribute
self.head = self.head.next              # simply assign self.head.next to the attribute self.head
                                        # NOTE: does not apply in our example

previous_node = self.head               # save a reference to the 'node1' object in variable previous_node

for node in self:                       # assigns `node1` object to variable node by calling `__iter__`
if node.data == target_node_data:       # node1.data is 'a', target_node_data is 'c', so comparison tests False
previous_node = node                    # save a reference to the 'node1' object in variable previous_node

for node in self:                       # assigns `node2` object to variable node by calling `__iter__`
if node.data == target_node_data:       # node2.data is 'b', target_node_data is 'c', so comparison tests False
previous_node = node                    # save a reference to the 'node2' object in variable previous_node

for node in self:                       # assigns `node3` object to variable node by calling `__iter__`
if node.data == target_node_data:       # node3.data is 'c', target_node_data is 'c', so comparison tests True
previous_node.next = node.next          # update the next attribute of 'node2' to refer to the next attribute of 'node3', which is 'node3_1'
                                        # NOTE: the object 'node3' is no longer referenced by the next attribute of any nodes in our linked list, which means it has now been removed

return                                  # the method has finished its work, so it returns without examining any further downstream nodes


object:        node1        node2        node3_1     node3_2     node4       node5
data type:     Node
    name:      data
    contents:  'a'          'b'          '1'         '2'         'd'         'e'

    name:      next
    contents:  node2        node3_1      node3_2      node4       node5       None