似乎只有 2 个大小为 6 的输入有问题。其他一切似乎都按预期工作。为什么会这样

There seems to be a problem with input of only 2 with a size of 6. Everything else seems to work exactly as expected. Why is this happening

我开始学习c++了。所以我想尝试一下,只使用 recursion.Thank 你的帮助。

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int lastIndex(int arr[], int size, int num){
    if(size < 0)return -1;
    if(arr[size] == num)return size;
    return(arr, size, num);

int main(){
    int arr[11] = {1, 2, 2, 4, 2, 8};
    cout << "Last Index = " << lastIndex(arr, 6, 2);


 return lastIndex(arr, size, num);


 return(arr, size, num);


 return num;


  1. using namespace std; is bad
  2. int 对于数组的索引来说太小,使用 size_t
  3. 将数组作为指针 + 大小传递是错误的,请使用 std::span
  4. 递归必须按名称调用函数
  5. C 数组不好,使用 std::vector 或 std::array

#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <span>

size_t lastIndex(std::span<int> span, int num) {
    if (span.empty()) return -1;
    if (span.back() == num) return span.size();
    return lastIndex(span.first(span.size() - 1), num);

int main(){
    std::array<int, 6> arr = {1, 2, 2, 4, 2, 8};
    std::cout << "Last Index = " << lastIndex(arr, 2);