
Replacing items in a list of dictionaries


menu = [{"food": "basic lasagna", "description": "basic lasagna takes tomato sauce and ground beef ."}, {"food": "carbonara pasta", "description": "there are many types of pasta in this world, but carbonara pasta is one of the best ."}, {...}, ...]

我必须在描述中用标签 <food> food </food> 突出显示食物,但我不知道如何在不使索引复杂化的情况下做到这一点。我最初的想法是:

for item in menu:
    tag = item["food"]
    if item["food"] in item["description"]:
        i = tag.index()
        tagging = "<food> " + tag + "</food>"



import json
menu = [{"food": "basic lasagna", "description": "basic lasagna takes tomato sauce and ground beef ."}, {"food": "carbonara pasta", "description": "there are many types of pasta in this world, but carbonara pasta is one of the best ."}]

for item in menu:
    item["description"] = item["description"].replace(item['food'], "<food>" + item['food'] + "</food>")

print(json.dumps(menu, indent=4)) 


        "food": "basic lasagna",
        "description": "<food>basic lasagna</food> takes tomato sauce and ground beef ."
        "food": "carbonara pasta",
        "description": "there are many types of pasta in this world, but <food>carbonara pasta</food> is one of the best ."