Catia VBA,如何获取数组 "Bill of material"

Catia VBA, How to get "Bill of material" to an array

我想在“material 的账单”中获取 2 个参数。 结构 workbench 中的第一个“长度”,第二个是“数量”。 我尝试在


但是不能。 我有个主意。我尝试找到一种方法将“material 的法案”放入数组中。 我发现一个代码将 material 的 Bill 写入 excel 文件。

On Error Resume Next
Dim productDocument1 As productDocument
Set productDocument1 = CATIA.ActiveDocument

Dim product1 As Product
Set product1 = productDocument1.Product

Dim assemblyConvertor1 As AssemblyConvertor
Set assemblyConvertor1 = product1.GetItem("BillOfMaterial")

assemblyConvertor1.[Print] "XLS", "D:\BOM.xls", product1

如何将“Bill of material”数据放入数组中?谢谢

结构设计元素的长度参数显然只能通过 StrComputeServices 获得 示例:

Sub CATMain()

Dim oRootProduct as Product
Dim oInstanceProduct as Product
Dim oStrWB as Workbench
Dim oStrServices As StrComputeServices

Set oRootProduct = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Product
Set oInstanceProduct = oRootProduct.Products.Item(1)
Set oStrWB = CATIA.ActiveDocument.GetWorkbench("StrWorkbench")
Set oStrServices = oStrWB.StrComputeServices

MsgBox CStr(oStrServices.GetLength(oInstanceProduct))

End Sub

如果对您有帮助,我已经在下面开发了这段代码: 您可以在同一网站上找到获取 'MaLangue' 的功能(如有必要,可获取 CATIA 使用的 return 语言)。或者您可以删除引用 'MaLangue' 的每一行。如果您想获取根产品的 BOM,则可以编写 GetBOM(Catia.ActiveDocument.Product) 来启动子产品。或者您可以从根目录启动其他产品。

然后您可以读取 txt 文件的行(感谢流 reader)并按每个 vbTab 拆分以获得您的数组。优点是您将拥有一份材料清单,其中要么列出所有零件,要么只列出某些客户标准要求的第一级

'Genere la BOM
    Public Sub  GetBOM(p As  Product)
        Dim  NomFichier As String  = My. Computer . FileSystem . SpecialDirectories . Temp & "\BOM.txt"
        Dim  AssConvertor As AssemblyConvertor
        AssConvertor =  p. GetItem ( "BillOfMaterial" )
        Dim nullstr ( 2 )
        If  MaLangue =  "Anglais" Then   
            nullstr( 0 ) = "Part Number" 
            nullstr( 1 ) = "Quantity"   
            nullstr( 2 ) = "Type"        
        ElseIf  MaLangue =  "Francais" Then 
            nullstr( 0 ) = "Référence" 
            nullstr( 1 ) = "Quantité" 
            nullstr( 2 ) = "Type" 
        End If 
        AssConvertor. SetCurrentFormat (nullstr)
        Dim  VarMaListNom( 1 )
        If  MaLangue =  "Anglais" Then 
            VarMaListNom( 0 ) = "Part Number"
            VarMaListNom( 1 ) = "Quantity"
        ElseIf  MaLangue =  "Français" Then
            VarMaListNom( 0 ) = "Référence"
            VarMaListNom( 1 ) = "Quantité"
        End If
        AssConvertor. SetSecondaryFormat (VarMaListNom)
        AssConvertor. Print ( "HTML", NomFichier, p )
        ModifFichierNomenclature (My. Computer . FileSystem . SpecialDirectories . Temp & "\BOM.txt" )
    End Sub
    Sub ModifFichierNomenclature(txt As String )
        Dim  strtocheck As String  = ""
        If  MaLangue =  "Francais" Then
            strtocheck =  "<b>Total des p"
            strtocheck = "<b>Total parts"
        End If
        Dim  FichierNomenclature As String  = My. Computer . FileSystem . SpecialDirectories . Temp & "\BOM_.txt"
        If IO. File . Exists (FichierNomenclature)  Then
            IO . File . Delete (FichierNomenclature)
        End If
        Dim fs  As FileStream = Nothing
        fs =  New FileStream( FichierNomenclature, FileMode. CreateNew )
        Using sw  As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter( fs, Encoding. GetEncoding ( "iso-8859-1" ) )
            If  IO. File . Exists (txt) Then
                 Using sr As  StreamReader = New  StreamReader(txt, Encoding. GetEncoding ( "iso-8859-1" ) )
                     Dim BoolStart As Boolean = False
                     While Not sr. EndOfStream
                         Dim line As String = sr. ReadLine
                         If Left (line, 8 ) = "<a name=" Then
                             If MaLangue = "Français" Then
                                line  = "[" & Right (line, line. Length - 24 )
                                line  = Left (line, line. Length - 8 )
                                line  = line & "]"
                                sw . WriteLine (line)
                                line  = "[" & Right (line, line. Length - 27 )
                                line  = Left (line, line. Length - 8 )
                                line  = line & "]"
                                sw . WriteLine (line)
                             End If
                         ElseIf line Like  "  <tr><td><A HREF=*</td> </tr>*"  Then
                            line  = Replace (line,  "</td><td>Assembly</td> </tr>", "" ) 'pas fait
                            line  = Replace (line,  "</td><td>Assemblage</td> </tr> ",  "" )
                            line  = Replace (line,  "  <tr><td><A HREF=", "" )
                            line  = Replace (line,  "</A></td><td>", ControlChars. Tab )
                            line  = Replace (line,  "#Bill of Material: ",  "" )
                            line  = Replace (line,  "#Nomenclature : ", "" )
                             If line. Contains ( ">" ) Then
                                 Dim lines( ) = Strings. Split (line, ">" )
                                line  = lines( 1 )
                             End If
                             Dim lines_( ) = Strings. Split (line, ControlChars. Tab )
                            line  = lines_( 0 ) & ControlChars . Tab & lines_( 1 )
                             If Strings. Left (line, 2 ) = "  " Then  line = Strings. Right (line, line. Length - 2 )
                            sw . WriteLine (line)
                         ElseIf Left (line, 14 ) = strtocheck  Then
                            sw . WriteLine ( "[ALL-BOM-APPKD]" )
                         ElseIf line Like "*<tr><td>*</td> </tr>*"  Then
                            line  = Replace (line,  "<tr><td>", "" )
                            line  = Replace (line,  "</td> </tr> ",  "" )
                            line  = Replace (line,  "</td><td>", ControlChars. Tab )
                             Dim lines_( ) = Strings. Split (line, ControlChars. Tab )
                            line  = lines_( 0 ) & ControlChars . Tab & lines_( 1 )
                             If Strings. Left (line, 2 ) = "  " Then  line = Strings. Right (line, line. Length - 2 )
                            sw . WriteLine (line)
                         End If
                     End While
                    sr . Close ( )
                 End Using
             End If
            sw . Close ( )
        End Using
    End Sub