
Unable to switch between environment in karate feature file

根据空手道文档,我们应该使用 System.setProperty() 在测试用例级别设置环境,但该选项在空手道 1.2.0 中不起作用(未在以前的版本中验证)


Feature: Testing env changing
  Scenario: Reading base url of different env
  * print 'Before changing env...---> '+ karate.env
  * print 'Testing karate...'
  * print baseUrl
  * java.lang.System.setProperty("karate.env","STAGE")
  * def newevn = java.lang.System.getProperty('karate.env')
  * print 'After changing env...---> '+ newevn
  * def fun = call read('file:karate-config.js') 
  * print 'Changed env...---> '+ fun.baseUrl


function fn() {
  karate.configure('connectTimeout', 5000);
  karate.configure('readTimeout', 5000);
  var env = karate.env;
  karate.log('karate.env system property was:', env);

  var baseUrl = 'testingbase.com';
  karate.log('Env---->' + env)
  var port = karate.properties['demo.server.port'] || '8080';
  var protocol = 'http';

  var config = {
    env: env,
    baseUrl: 'https://localapi.abc123.example.com/api/v1/validate/customerid',
    apiKey: ''
  if (karate.properties['demo.server.https'] === 'true') {
    protocol = 'https';
    karate.configure('ssl', true);
  var config = { demoBaseUrl: protocol + '://' + port };
  if (env== 'mock') {
    // karate.configure('callSingleCache', { minutes: 1 });
    // 'callSingle' is guaranteed to run only once even across all threads
    //var result = karate.callSingle('classpath:demo/headers/common-noheaders.feature', config);
    // and it sets a variable called 'authInfo' used in headers-single.feature
   // config.authInfo = { authTime: result.time, authToken: result.token };
  else if(env=='BETA'){

  else if(env=='STAGE'){

  return config;

请注意,您不能在功能中调用 java.lang.System.setProperty() 并期望它起作用。在评估 karate-config.js 时,环境被锁定,甚至在 Feature 执行之前。
