ML.Net 的 AutoML 是否规范化数据?

Does ML.Net's AutoML normalize data?

我正在为 ML.Net 使用 AutoML API,并且我从文档中看到它确实 pre-processing for me. What I don't see though is if it normalizes each of the feature columns for me or not. My question is: Does AutoML normalize my data for me? If so, do I have any control as to how it normalizes? If not, how would I do this given that I'm not creating a pipeline that I see all the other normalization examples 使用了一堆数据?

根据我的经验,AutoML 引擎会自动将仿射归一化器添加到 Ols 回归模型,所有其他类型都不会进行任何归一化。您可以将 normalizer 作为 preFeaturizer 参数添加到 Execute 方法,例如
