我已经在visual studio中编译了我的cpp代码来生成一个dll文件,但是我找不到生成的dll文件。 vs中的dll是否有任何默认名称
I have compiled my cpp code to generate a dll file in visual studio, but I cannot find the generated dll file. Is there any default name for dll in vs
#include <jni.h> // JNI header provided by JDK
#include <iostream> // C++ standard IO header
#include "HelloJNI.h" // Generated
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// Implementation of the native method sayHello()
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_HelloJNI_sayHello(JNIEnv* env, jobject thisObj)
cout << "Narain C A";
int main() {
JNIEXPORT void Java_HelloJNI_sayHello();
如何在visual studio中找到生成的dll文件?
#include <jni.h> // JNI header provided by JDK
#include <iostream> // C++ standard IO header
#include "HelloJNI.h" // Generated
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// Implementation of the native method sayHello()
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_HelloJNI_sayHello(JNIEnv* env, jobject thisObj)
cout << "Narain C A";
int main() {
JNIEXPORT void Java_HelloJNI_sayHello();
如何在visual studio中找到生成的dll文件?