config.toml 中未显示 gitlab-runner 配置

gitlab-runner configuration not showing in config.toml

我有一个简单的问题 我正在托管一个 GitLab 服务器,当我想注册一个新的跑步者时,它已成功创建,但是当我去 :


这个 config.toml 文件没有显示我,我的新配置运行器。它只显示了我的老跑步者。 对于我的其他跑步者来说是这样的:

  name = "minoemix-superadmin"
  url = "..."
  token = "..."
  executor = "docker"
    tls_verify = false
    image = "docker:19.03.12"
    privileged = true
    disable_entrypoint_overwrite = false
    oom_kill_disable = false
    disable_cache = false
    volumes = ["/certs/client","/cache"]
    shm_size = 0


首先,如Advanced configuration所述,检查是否有另一个文件被修改:

You can find the config.toml file in:

  • /etc/gitlab-runner/ on *nix systems when GitLab Runner is executed as root (this is also the path for service configuration)
  • ~/.gitlab-runner/ on *nix systems when GitLab Runner is executed as non-root
  • ./ on other systems

所以这取决于您的 OS 以及您启动 GitLab 的方式(作为 root 或作为用户帐户)。

其次,与 this issue 一样,检查您是否执行了 gitlab-runner register 应该触发 Merging configuration from template file...:它显示了它更新了哪个 config.toml 文件。