全对角化 NumPy vs SciPy

Full diagonalization NumPy vs SciPy

我必须使用对角化例程来获取厄米特复矩阵的所有特征对。我有点受性能限制,因为我需要重复操作数千次并且我的矩阵大约为 8000x8000。我对 NumPy 和 SciPy 例程进行了一些比较,以对厄米特矩阵进行对角化,我在 6 个物理内核的机器上得到了这些时间:

我观察到对于 8000x8000 的矩阵,这个比例缩小到大约 0.8 分钟,我需要重复这个过程 50000 次。我在这里遗漏了什么,或者这些实际上是表演时间吗?总的来说,如果这需要重复几次,这一切看起来都很慢。事实上,在 30 核机器上,我观察到的性能提升很小。我在 Anaconda 发行版下使用 Python3.8,因此它与 MKL 相关联。


import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyt
from time import time

t_ls = []
d_ls = np.array([100, 500, 1000,2000,4000])

for N in d_ls:

    A =np.random.rand( N,N ) + 1j*np.random.rand( N,N )    
    A = 0.5*( A + np.conj(A.T) ) 
    ts = time()    
    evals, evecs = np.linalg.eigh( A )
    t_np  = time()-ts

    ts = time()    
    evals2, evecs2 = scipy.linalg.eigh( A )
    t_sp  = time()-ts
    t_ls.append(np.array([t_np, t_sp]))
t_ls = np.array(t_ls)

pyt.plot( d_ls, t_ls[:,0], marker='s' )
pyt.plot( d_ls, t_ls[:,1], marker='^')
pyt.legend(["NumPy", "SciPy"])

使用 SVD 和 MP 并行化

通过 post 中的一些评论,我尝试了矩阵的 SVD 和多处理。在所有情况下,我仍然认为使用 NumPy eigh 的序列化方法是最有效的方法;这是代码:

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyt
from time import time

import psutil

def f_mp_pool(*args):
    N = args[0]
    A =np.random.rand( N,N ) + 1j*np.random.rand( N,N )    
    A = 0.5*( A + np.conj(A.T) ) 
    evals, evecs = np.linalg.eigh(A)
    return evals, evecs

nreps = 100
N     = 700

ts = time()

for n in range(nreps):
    A =np.random.rand( N,N ) + 1j*np.random.rand( N,N )    
    A = 0.5*( A + np.conj(A.T) ) 
    res = np.linalg.eigh(A)

print("serialized:", time()-ts)

#use svd

import scipy.linalg

ts = time()
for n in range(nreps):
    res = scipy.linalg.svd( A, full_matrices=True, check_finite=False  ) 
print("SVD:", time()-ts)    

import multiprocessing as mp

nproc   = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)-1
mp_pool = mp.Pool(processes=nproc)

args_ls = [ (N,) for n in range(nreps) ]

ts = time()
res = mp_pool.starmap( f_mp_pool, args_ls )
print("parallel:", time()-ts)

Pytorch 会更快,如果你有 GPU,它也可以利用它,但不是那么多,因为 QR 迭代不利于并行计算。我有一个潜在的解决方案可以在 GPU 上加速该部分,但我从未真正实施过它。

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg
import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from time import time

t_ls = []
d_ls = np.array([100, 500, 1000,2000,4000])

for N in d_ls:

    A =np.random.rand( N,N ) + 1j*np.random.rand( N,N )    
    A = 0.5*( A + np.conj(A.T) ) 

#  skipping numpy, it is slow here, you may put it back if you want
#     ts = time()    
#     evals, evecs = np.linalg.eigh( A )
#     t_np  = time()-ts

    ts = time()    
    evals2, evecs2 = scipy.linalg.eigh( A )
    t_sp  = time()-ts
    # When using CPU torch will use intra operation
    # parallelism, so if you care about latency
    # this is better than using multiprocessing
    A_cpu = torch.as_tensor(A)
    ts = time()
    evals3, evecs3 = torch.linalg.eigh(A_cpu)
    t_cpu = time() - ts;
    if torch.cuda.is_available():
        # Using GPU will give a significant speedup for some
        # operations, I guess the 
        A_gpu = A_cpu.to('cuda')
        ts = time()
        evals4, evecs4 = torch.linalg.eigh(A_gpu)
        t_gpu = time() - ts;
        t_gpu = np.nan #if you don't have GPU let's skip this part
    t_ls.append(np.array([np.nan, t_sp, t_cpu, t_gpu]))

t_ls = np.array(t_ls)

plt.plot( d_ls, t_ls[:,0], marker='s' )
plt.plot( d_ls, t_ls[:,1], marker='^')
plt.plot( d_ls, t_ls[:,2], marker='+')
plt.plot( d_ls, t_ls[:,3], marker='d')
plt.legend(["NumPy", "SciPy", "PyTorch CPU", "PyTorch GPU"])
