使用空间连接计算距离 - geopandas

Calculate distances with spatial join - geopandas

导入请求,io,json 将 geopandas 导入为 gpd 导入 shapely.geometry 将 pandas 导入为 pd

我有两个 GeoPandas DataFrame。

gpd1 具有 POLYGON 几何 gpd2 具有 POINT 几何形状


res = requests.get(
gpd1 = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(res.json()["features"], crs="CRS84").pipe(
    lambda d: d.rename(columns={c: c.lower() for c in d.columns})
).rename(columns={"lad20cd": "areaCode","lad20nm":"areaName"})

# get some public addressess - hospitals.  data that can be scattered
dfhos = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(requests.get("http://media.nhschoices.nhs.uk/data/foi/Hospital.csv").text),

# create a geo dataframe of hospitals
gpd2 = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
        geometry=dfhos.apply(lambda r: shapely.geometry.Point(r["Longitude"],r["Latitude"]), axis=1), crs="EPSG:4326"


gpd1.sjoin(gpd2, how='left')

我还想计算连接的每一行的距离。如何计算距离并将 distance 作为列包含在内?请注意,gpd2 中的每个 POINT 都在 POLYGON.

  • 与您的问题一样,模棱两可或您的示例代码无法正常工作
  • 有固定的示例代码来使用英国县和英国城镇/城市
  • sjoin()的结果是一列right_index这可以用来构建一系列的点
  • 那么这是一个使用geopandasdistance()获取距离
  • 的简单案例
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import requests, io

# some polygons
gpd1 = gpd.read_file(

# some points
df = pd.read_csv(

gpd2 = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
    df, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(df["lng"], df["lat"]), crs="epsg:4326"

gpd_sj = gpd1.sjoin(gpd2, how="inner").reset_index()
gpd_sj["distance"] = gpd_sj.distance(gpd2.loc[gpd_sj["index_right"]])
gpd_sj.loc[:, ["index", "shapeName", "index_right", "city", "distance"]]
index shapeName index_right city distance
0 0 Hartlepool 1606 Seaton Carew 3.29536
1 0 Hartlepool 96 Hartlepool 2.22489
2 1 Middlesbrough 2466 Stainton 1.41667
3 1 Middlesbrough 1849 Nunthorpe 0.766652
4 1 Middlesbrough 1129 Marton 0.581443
5 1 Middlesbrough 36 Middlesbrough 1.8294
6 2 Redcar and Cleveland 1628 Ormesby 3.30945
7 2 Redcar and Cleveland 635 Guisborough 2.11976
8 2 Redcar and Cleveland 1330 Loftus 3.68467
9 2 Redcar and Cleveland 1167 Skelton 3.60919