如何按 storage_id 和 product_id 总结 table 行

How to sum up table rows group by storage_id and product_id

我正在尝试解决以下问题:我首先共享 table 图像(从那里汇总行)

当api命中时,应该先对storage_id进行分组,然后对product_id进行分组,然后对相同的product_id[=进行汇总quanitity 24=]


有两个 storage_id : 1 & 2 ,两个不同的 product_id : 1 & 2 。现在输出应该是 sum all the rows where storage_id, where product_id。应该有 3 JSON 个输出,用于存储 1 和产品 1,用于存储 1 和产品 2。用于存储 2 和产品 2。然后它们应该存储在 table 中,如下所示 table


$storages = Storage::get(); // getting storage list

foreach($storages as $storage => $val){
    $storage_id[] =  $storages[$storage]->id; // Getting array of id only
    $get_storage[] = Storage::with('storageProducts')->whereIn('id', $storage_id)->get();

    foreach($get_storage as $product => $val){

         foreach($val as $d){
            $a[$d->id] = StorageProduct::where('transfer_type',1)
                         ->groupBy('storage_id', 'product_id')


    "1": 28,
    "2": 23

SELECT storage_id , product_id ,SUM(stock) as stock FROM tb_stock GROUP BY product_id , storage_id

$result = StorageProduct::where('transfer_type',1)
    ->select('storage_id', 'product_id', DB::raw('SUM(quantity) as stock'))
    ->groupBy('storage_id', 'product_id')