合并数据框并为每个项目 ID 实例添加价格数据

merge dataframes and add price data for each instance of an item ID

我正在尝试合并两个数据框,以便 DF3 中项目 ID 的每个实例显示与 DF1 中的匹配 ID 关联的定价数据。


recipeID itemID_out qty_out buy_price sell_price buy_quantity sell_quantity id_1_in qty_id1 buy_price sell_price buy_quantity sell_quantity id_2_in qty_id2 buy_price sell_price buy_quantity sell_quantity id_3_in qty_id3 buy_price sell_price buy_quantity sell_quantity id_4_in qty_id4 buy_price sell_price buy_quantity sell_quantity id_5_in qty_id5 buy_price sell_price buy_quantity sell_quantity
1 1986 1 129 167 67267 21637 123 1 10 15 1500 3000 124 1 12 14 550 800 125 1 8 12 124 254 126 1 22 25 1251 890 127 1 64 72 12783 1251515
2 1987 1 1521 1675 654 1245 123 2 10 15 1500 3000
3 1988 1 128376 131429 47 23 123 10 10 15 1500 3000 124 3 12 14 550 800


DF1:包含26863行;项目名称、ID 和价格数据的主列表。从 API 中提取,可以添加新项目,并在用户提出更新请求后显示为新行。

itemID name buy_price sell_price buy_quantity sell_quantity
1986 XYZ 129 167 67267 21637
123 ABC 10 15 1500 3000
124 DEF 12 14 550 800

DF2(包含 12784 行;从主列表中的项目组合的配方。从 API 中提取,可以添加新配方,并在用户更新请求后显示为新行。)

recipeID itemID_out qty_out id_1_in qty_id1 id_2_in qty_id2 id_3_in qty_id3 id_4_in qty_id4 id_5_in qty_id5
1 1986 1 123 1 124 1 125 1 126 1 127 1
2 1987 1 123 2
3 1988 1 123 10 124 3

食谱可以包含 1 到 5 个项目(出现空值)的组合,这些项目由 DF1​​ and/or DF2 中的 itemID_out 列的 ID 组成。

DF2 中的“id_#_in”列可以包含来自“itemID_out”列的项目 ID,因为该配方使用的是从另一个配方输出的项目。


pd.merge(itemlist_modified, recipelist_modified, left_on='itemID', right_on='itemID_out')




不是一个漂亮的方法,但它首先将成分 table 融化成长格式,然后将其合并到项目列表 table

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

itemlist_modified = pd.DataFrame({
    'itemID': [1986, 123, 124],
    'name': ['XYZ', 'ABC', 'DEF'],
    'buy_price': [129, 10, 12],
    'sell_price': [167, 15, 14],
    'buy_quantity': [67267, 1500, 550],
    'sell_quantity': [21637, 3000, 800],

recipelist_modified = pd.DataFrame({
    'RecipeID': [1, 2, 3],
    'itemID_out': [1986, 1987, 1988],
    'qty_out': [1, 1, 1],
    'id_1_in': [123, 123, 123],
    'qty_id1': [1, 2, 10],
    'id_2_in': [124.0, np.nan, 124.0],
    'qty_id2': [1.0, np.nan, 3.0],
    'id_3_in': [125.0, np.nan, np.nan],
    'qty_id3': [1.0, np.nan, np.nan],
    'id_4_in': [126.0, np.nan, np.nan],
    'qty_id4': [1.0, np.nan, np.nan],
    'id_5_in': [127.0, np.nan, np.nan],
    'qty_id5': [1.0, np.nan, np.nan],
#columns which are not qty or input id cols
id_vars = ['RecipeID','itemID_out','qty_out']

#prepare dict to map column name to ingredient number
col_renames = {}
col_renames.update({'id_{}_in'.format(i+1):'ingr_{}'.format(i+1) for i in range(5)})
col_renames.update({'qty_id{}'.format(i+1):'ingr_{}'.format(i+1) for i in range(5)})

#melt reciplist into longform
long_recipelist = recipelist_modified.melt(

#add a new column to specify whether each row is a qty or an id
long_recipelist['kind'] = np.where(long_recipelist['ingredient'].str.contains('qty'),'qty_in','id_in')

#convert ingredient names
long_recipelist['ingredient'] = long_recipelist['ingredient'].map(col_renames)

#pivot on the new ingredient column
reshape_recipe_list = long_recipelist.pivot(

#merge with the itemlist
priced_ingredients = pd.merge(reshape_recipe_list, itemlist_modified, left_on='id_in', right_on='itemID')

#pivot on the priced ingredients
priced_ingredients = priced_ingredients.pivot(
    index = ['RecipeID','itemID_out','qty_out'],
    columns = 'ingredient',

#flatten the hierarchical columns
priced_ingredients.columns = ["_".join(a[::-1]) for a in priced_ingredients.columns.to_flat_index()]
priced_ingredients.columns.name = ''

priced_ingredients = priced_ingredients.reset_index()

priced_ingredients 部分输出: