有人可以向我解释一下来自 ReactJS 的这段代码吗?
Can someone please explain me this code from ReactJS?
const cartReducer = (state, action) => {
if (action.type === "ADD") {
const updatedTotalAmount =
state.totalAmount + action.item.price * action.item.amount;
const existingCartItemIndex = state.items.findIndex(
(item) => item.id === action.item.id
const existingCartItem = state.items[existingCartItemIndex];
let updatedItems;
if (existingCartItem) {
const updatedItem = {
amount: existingCartItem.amount + action.item.amount,
updatedItems = [...state.items];
updatedItems[existingCartItemIndex] = updatedItem;
} else {
updatedItems = state.items.concat(action.item);
return {
items: updatedItems,
totalAmount: updatedTotalAmount,
return defaultCartState;
那是一个redux reducer。请阅读本教程以熟悉它的概念:
Reducer 是由 Redux 推广的,但不是 Redux 固有的概念,因为您可以在不从 Redux 导入任何东西的情况下编写 reducer。减速器是一种特定功能的概念,即:
a function that receives the current state and an action object, decides how to update the state if necessary, and returns the new state: (state, action) => newState. "Reducer" functions get their name because they're similar to the kind of callback function you pass to the Array.reduce() method.
来源:Redux docs
React 现在带有一个 useReducer
钩子 built-in。参见 Hooks API Reference。
const cartReducer = (state, action) => {
// Adding an Item to Cart
if (action.type === "ADD") {
// Calculated Cart Total: existing Total + (new Item Price * new item Quantity)
const updatedTotalAmount = state.totalAmount + action.item.price * action.item.amount;
* Finding Items Index in the Cart Array using the Item ID.
* Index will be Returned only if Item with same od already exist otherwise -1
const existingCartItemIndex = state.items.findIndex((item) => item.id === action.item.id);
* Getting the CartItem Based on the Index.
* If the value is -1 i.e., item already doesn't exist, then this code will return undefined
const existingCartItem = state.items[existingCartItemIndex];
let updatedItems;
// existingCartItem will have an Object(which evaluates to true) only if Item already existed in Cart
if (existingCartItem) {
// Creating updatedItem by spreading the existingItems data + updating amount/Quantity to: existing Quantity + new Quantity
const updatedItem = {
amount: existingCartItem.amount + action.item.amount,
// Making a Copy of Items Array & Replacing Existing Item with new/updated entry
updatedItems = [...state.items];
updatedItems[existingCartItemIndex] = updatedItem;
} else {
// If the Item doesn't already exist in Cart then we Just add that New Item to the Cart
updatedItems = state.items.concat(action.item);
// Return the State with Updated Items List & total Amount
return {
items: updatedItems,
totalAmount: updatedTotalAmount,
// Default State Return
return defaultCartState;
const cartReducer = (state, action) => {
if (action.type === "ADD") {
const updatedTotalAmount =
state.totalAmount + action.item.price * action.item.amount;
const existingCartItemIndex = state.items.findIndex(
(item) => item.id === action.item.id
const existingCartItem = state.items[existingCartItemIndex];
let updatedItems;
if (existingCartItem) {
const updatedItem = {
amount: existingCartItem.amount + action.item.amount,
updatedItems = [...state.items];
updatedItems[existingCartItemIndex] = updatedItem;
} else {
updatedItems = state.items.concat(action.item);
return {
items: updatedItems,
totalAmount: updatedTotalAmount,
return defaultCartState;
那是一个redux reducer。请阅读本教程以熟悉它的概念: https://redux.js.org/tutorials/fundamentals/part-3-state-actions-reducers
Reducer 是由 Redux 推广的,但不是 Redux 固有的概念,因为您可以在不从 Redux 导入任何东西的情况下编写 reducer。减速器是一种特定功能的概念,即:
a function that receives the current state and an action object, decides how to update the state if necessary, and returns the new state: (state, action) => newState. "Reducer" functions get their name because they're similar to the kind of callback function you pass to the Array.reduce() method.
来源:Redux docs
React 现在带有一个 useReducer
钩子 built-in。参见 Hooks API Reference。
const cartReducer = (state, action) => {
// Adding an Item to Cart
if (action.type === "ADD") {
// Calculated Cart Total: existing Total + (new Item Price * new item Quantity)
const updatedTotalAmount = state.totalAmount + action.item.price * action.item.amount;
* Finding Items Index in the Cart Array using the Item ID.
* Index will be Returned only if Item with same od already exist otherwise -1
const existingCartItemIndex = state.items.findIndex((item) => item.id === action.item.id);
* Getting the CartItem Based on the Index.
* If the value is -1 i.e., item already doesn't exist, then this code will return undefined
const existingCartItem = state.items[existingCartItemIndex];
let updatedItems;
// existingCartItem will have an Object(which evaluates to true) only if Item already existed in Cart
if (existingCartItem) {
// Creating updatedItem by spreading the existingItems data + updating amount/Quantity to: existing Quantity + new Quantity
const updatedItem = {
amount: existingCartItem.amount + action.item.amount,
// Making a Copy of Items Array & Replacing Existing Item with new/updated entry
updatedItems = [...state.items];
updatedItems[existingCartItemIndex] = updatedItem;
} else {
// If the Item doesn't already exist in Cart then we Just add that New Item to the Cart
updatedItems = state.items.concat(action.item);
// Return the State with Updated Items List & total Amount
return {
items: updatedItems,
totalAmount: updatedTotalAmount,
// Default State Return
return defaultCartState;