Metricbeat 不向 Graylog sidecar 发送数据
Metricbeat doesn't send data to Graylog sidecar
我试图将 Metricbeat 配置为 Graylog sidecar,它成功了。它连接到 sidecar 但不发送任何数据。我该如何解决?
# Needed for Graylog
fields_under_root: true
fields.collector_node_id: term
fields.gl2_source_collector: b4af64b2-fd94-4b85-aa59-b92dd911fd39
path: C:\Program Files\Graylog\sidecar\Metricbeat\modules.d\*.yml
# Set to true to enable config reloading
reload.enabled: false
# Period on which files under path should be checked for changes
reload.period: 10s
# The Logstash hosts
enabled: true
loadBalance: true
hosts: ["IP:PORT"]
- module: system
- cpu # CPU usage
- memory # Memory usage
- network # Network IO
#- process # Per process metrics
#- process_summary # Process summary
- uptime # System Uptime
- socket_summary # Socket summary
#- core # Per CPU core usage
- diskio # Disk IO
- filesystem # File system usage for each mountpoint
#- fsstat # File system summary metrics
#- raid # Raid
#- socket # Sockets and connection info (linux only)
#- service # systemd service information
enabled: true
period: 10s
processes: [".*"]
连接到Graylog sidecar,但不发送数据
您需要配置输出。它应该指向 Graylog 服务器。 Sidecar只是一个配置管理工具。您不通过它发送日志,而是将它们发送到 Graylog 服务器上的节拍输入。