
Send a non-serializable parameter to a keyword

我试图将 Web 驱动程序元素作为参数传递给关键字并在执行日志中得到异常:

[ ERROR ] Calling listener method 'start_keyword' of listener '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/robotide/contrib/testrunner/TestRunnerAgent.py' failed: TypeError: <selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement object at 0x7f686eb02390> is not JSON serializable
[ ERROR ] Calling listener method 'end_keyword' of listener '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/robotide/contrib/testrunner/TestRunnerAgent.py' failed: TypeError: <selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement object at 0x7f686eb02390> is not JSON serializable

测试仍然通过,因此这不会影响结果,但在日志中看到这一点并不好。此外,我不明白,如果在将所有关键字参数传递给实际 Python 代码之前将所有关键字参数都序列化,为什么它会起作用,而这个是不可序列化的。

问题:我可以在 RobotFramework 中传递不可序列化的参数吗?现在我尝试发送的不是元素,而是元素标识符的命名元组。


class ElementKeywords(object):
    def has_text(self, element):
        return bool(self.get_element_property(element, 'text'))

    def wait_until_result(self, timeout, poll_period, func, *args):
        time_spent = 0
        timeout = convert_time(timeout)
        poll_period = convert_time(poll_period)
        result = False
        thrown_exception = None
        while True:
                result = func(*args)
                thrown_exception = None
            except Exception as exc:
                result = False
                thrown_exception = exc
            if result or poll_period > timeout or time_spent > timeout:
            time_spent += poll_period
        if result:
            return True
        if thrown_exception:
            raise thrown_exception

        msg = 'Failed to receive positive result from {func} in {timeout} ' \
              'seconds'.format(func=func.__name__, timeout=str(timeout))
        raise TimeoutError(msg)


*** Settings ***
Test Setup        Web Setup
Test Teardown     Web Teardown
Resource          web_resources.txt

*** Test Cases ***
Check Index
    [Tags]    US123456
    Web Login
    Clean Redis
    ${job_id}=    Create Pool
    Web Refresh
    ${data_pool_element}=    Get Element By Xpath    //div[@id="progress-pool"]/div[1]
    Wait Until Result    20    1    Has Text    ${data_pool_element}
    Validate Pool    ${job_id}

问题不在您的代码中。您可以传递不可序列化的对象。 RIDE 测试运行程序似乎有一个错误。从命令提示符尝试 运行 您的测试用例,问题应该会消失。