根据 sheet 名称导入 laravel excel

Import laravel excel depending on the sheet name

我有一个包含多个 sheet 的 Excel 文件,每个 sheet 都有一个特定的名称,该名称位于产品的“名称”列中 table. 我想在导入 Excel 文件时,数据库中 sheet 的名称也被导入。

I am using Laravel Excel and PHPOficce packages. And the import is in the laravel console commands.

class ProductImport implements ToCollection, WithHeadingRow, WithProgressBar 

    use Importable;

    public function collection(Collection $rows) 

        $reader = IOFactory::createReader('Xlsx');
        $spreadsheet = $reader->load(storage_path('app/fruit/listFruit.xlsx'));
        $products = $spreadsheet->getSheetNames();
        //name of sheets
        //$products=['banana', 'strawberry'];
        foreach ($rows as $row) {

            foreach ($products as $product) {

                        'price' => $row['price'],
                        'size' => $row['size'],
                        'product' => $product,//nameSheet

namespace App\Console\Commands;

use App\Imports\ProductImport;
use PhpOffice;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;

class UploadProduct extends Command

    protected $signature = 'fruit:productList';

    protected $description = 'Command to inject fruit data';

    public function __construct()

    public function handle()

        $this->output->title('Starting import');
        (new ProductImport)->withOutput($this->output)->import(storage_path('app/fruit/listFruit.xlsx'));
        $this->output->success('Import successful');


What should come out

What comes out

if I reverse the foreach


I want that the variable $product every time I go through a sheet, the name of the sheet is imported in the database and that I don't get only the name of the first sheet.


正如我所说,您只需切换您的 foreach 循环:首先是产品,然后是行(这些是您的变量名称,也许这就是您在我的解释中不理解的内容)


foreach ($rows as $row) {
    foreach ($products as $product)


foreach ($products as $product) {

    foreach ($rows as $row) {


这里是您需要的代码的开头(我已经用与您相同的数据创建了 xls 文件)

$reader           = IOFactory::createReader($inputFileType);
$spreadsheet      = $reader->load($inputFileName);
$loadedSheetNames = $spreadsheet->getSheetNames();

print '<pre>';
foreach ($loadedSheetNames as $sheetIndex => $loadedSheetName) {
    $sheet     = $spreadsheet->getSheet($sheetIndex);
    $sheetData = $sheet->toArray(null, true, true, true);
    var_dump($loadedSheetName, $sheetData);


现在,我们将遍历每个 sheet 并获取其内容

$sheetData 是一个包含 sheet(产品)数据的数组,因此您仍然需要添加一些内容才能通过它。我让你做这部分

我知道你要开始了,但我还是要说解决方案就在 link 我给你