
How to collect data from multiple tables and create a typed object

我正在尝试从多个 table 中检索数据并为每个查询结果创建一个类型化对象 (Class)(我可以使用 Dapper参考)。


List<ClassA> country = query<ClassA>(@"SELECT p.name, co.name, co.capital, co.area, co.population
                                       FROM t_person p
                                       INNER JOIN t_city c ON p.city_id = c.city_id
                                       INNER JOIN t_country co ON c.country_id = co.country_id");

List<ClassB> city = query<ClassB>(@"SELECT p.name, c.name
                                    FROM t_person p
                                    INNER JOIN t_city c ON p.city_id = c.city_i");

public class Person
    public int PersonId { get; set; }
    public string PersonName { get; set; }
    public City City { get; set; }

public class City
    public int CityId { get; set; }
    public string CityName { get; set; }
    public Country Country { get; set; }

public class Country
    public int CountryId { get; set; }
    public string CountryName { get; set; }
    public string CountryCapital { get; set; }
    public decimal CountryArea { get; set; }
    public decimal CountryPopulation { get; set; }

对于第一个查询,我需要获取 country table 的所有列和 只有一个 列来自 table。 我应该获取 Person 对象 还是可以获取 typed 对象


您不应该 return Person 对象,因为 none 您的查询 return Person。如果你想 return 一个有类型的对象,你需要定义一个类型;例如,对于您的第一个查询:

public class PersonCountryResponse
    public string Person { get; init; }
    public string Country { get; init; }
    public string Capital { get; init; }
    public decimal Area { get; init; }
    public decimal Population { get; init; }

然后在你的第一个 select:

var pcrs = something.query(@"SELECT p.name AS personName, co.name AS countryName, co.capital, co.area, co.population
   FROM t_person p
   INNER JOIN t_city c ON p.city_id = c.city_id
   INNER JOIN t_country co ON c.country_id = co.country_id")
.Select(q => new PersonCountryResponse { Person = q.personName, Country = q.countryName, Capital = q.capital, Area = q.area, Population = q.population };