有人可以解释 Dmitry 是如何计算 NMin 的吗?

Can someone explain how Dmitry got the NMin math down?

原问题位于Project Euler Largest palindrome product下方

A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome made from the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91 × 99. Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers.

上下文中的问题位于 Dmitry Answering Largest palindrome product - C#. I got the correct answer but did it from min to max instead of max to min so I looked for a more efficient answer to study. I understand what all the code does, but I can't figure out where Dmitry开始求公式从最大被乘数常数求最小被乘数。我正在浏览几个编码挑战网站,为一些技术面试做准备。


const int NMin = NMax - (NMax + 1) / 10 + 1;


// Store the maximum palindrome number here:
long maxNumber = 0;

// The maximum multiplicand (typically: 9...9):
const int NMax = 999;
// The minimum multiplicand.
// Obviously, it couldn't be less than 90...0:
const int NMin = NMax - (NMax + 1) / 10 + 1;

for (int i = NMax; i > NMin; i--)
    // Starting from i since i * j = j * i for any i, j:
    for (int j = i; j > NMin; j--)
        long number = Math.BigMul(i, j);
        // The fastest condition should be the first in the `if` statement:
        if (number > maxNumber && isPalindome(number))
            maxNumber = number;
            Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1} * {2}", number, i, j);
            break; // Leave the `j` loop, because it's guaranteed that there is
                   // no numbers greater than `number` for the current `i`


problem 4 所述,two-digit 个数字乘积的最大回文是 91*99。我相信 Dmitry 认识到对于给定的数字范围(他计算的 3、4 或 5 但实际上是无穷大)的所有最大回文必须是 9x -> 9y(其中 x 代表 0,y代表9)。 xy 所需的数量是 digit - 1 如果你总是想要 最高回文。 这里较低的 90% 根本不值得检查回文,因为它们不会产生最高的乘法。


NMin = NMax - (NMax + 1) / 10 + 1 // NMin = 900 if NMax = 999

在 4 位回文的情况下,这会产生 9,000 -> 9,99990,000 -> 99,999 5.

这里要注意的重要一点是他可以 hard-coded NMin 或者选择一个更大的最小值。