vb.net 如何拆分文本文件
vb.net how to split text file
PS23456789,08/2023,2011,LAM CHIUE MONG JP
sdad,08/2023,2011,LAM CHIUE MONG JP
xvczxcssf,08/2023,2011,LAM CHIUE MONG JP
42432,08/2023,2011,LAM CHIUE MONG JP
fdsafs,08/2023,2011,LAM CHIUE MONG JP
PS23456789 08/2023 2011 LAM CHIUE MONG JP
sdad 08/2023 2011 LAM CHIUE MONG JP
xvczxcssf 08/2023 2011 LAM CHIUE MONG JP
42432 08/2023 2011 LAM CHIUE MONG JP
fdsafs 08/2023 2011 LAM CHIUE MONG JP
PS23456789 08/2023 2011 LAM CHIUE MONG JP
sdad08/2023 2011 LAM CHIUE MONG JP
xvczxcssf08/2023 2011 LAM CHIUE MONG JP
4243208/2023 2011 LAM CHIUE MONG JP
fdsafs08/2023 2011 LAM CHIUE MONG JP
Dim splitFile = File.ReadAllText(Result).Split(",")
For count = 0 To splitFile.Length - 1
While (splitFile(count).Length < 20)
splitFile(count) = splitFile(count) + " "
End While
totalFile += splitFile(count)
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:test.txt", totalFile, False)
''' <summary>
''' Removes delimiters from a file and makes all but the last column a fixed width.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="inputFilePath">
''' The path of the input file.
''' </param>
''' <param name="outputFilePath">
''' The path of the output file. Can be the same as the input file.
''' </param>
''' <param name="delimiter">
''' The field delimiter in the input file.
''' </param>
''' <param name="fieldWidth">
''' The width of the columns in the output file.
''' </param>
Private Sub MakeDelimitedFileFixedWidth(inputFilePath As String,
outputFilePath As String,
delimiter As String,
fieldWidth As Integer)
'The lines to write to the output file.
Dim outputLines As New List(Of String)
For Each line In File.ReadLines(inputFilePath)
'Split the existing line on the delimiter.
Dim fields = line.Split({delimiter}, StringSplitOptions.None)
'Pad all but the last column to the specified width.
For i = 0 To fields.Length - 2
fields(i) = fields(i).PadRight(fieldWidth)
'Write out the processed data.
File.WriteAllLines(outputFilePath, outputLines)
End Sub
这不会填充最后一列。如果需要,请将 fields.Length - 2
更改为 fields.Length - 1
或 fields.GetUpperBound(0)
MakeDelimitedFileFixedWidth(Result, "C:test.txt", ",", 20)
符号,因此第一行的最后一个字符串不能与第二行的第一个字符串分开。连接的字符串比您定义的长度(即 20)长,因此没有添加 space。您应该逐行读取文件并分别处理每一行。
顺便说一句,要添加尾随 space 以获得固定长度的字符串,您可能想尝试 String.Format,它的性能要好得多。
Check ref here. 示例:
String.Format({0:-20}, splitFile(count))
PS23456789,08/2023,2011,LAM CHIUE MONG JP sdad,08/2023,2011,LAM CHIUE MONG JP xvczxcssf,08/2023,2011,LAM CHIUE MONG JP 42432,08/2023,2011,LAM CHIUE MONG JP fdsafs,08/2023,2011,LAM CHIUE MONG JP
PS23456789 08/2023 2011 LAM CHIUE MONG JP sdad 08/2023 2011 LAM CHIUE MONG JP xvczxcssf 08/2023 2011 LAM CHIUE MONG JP 42432 08/2023 2011 LAM CHIUE MONG JP fdsafs 08/2023 2011 LAM CHIUE MONG JP
PS23456789 08/2023 2011 LAM CHIUE MONG JP sdad08/2023 2011 LAM CHIUE MONG JP xvczxcssf08/2023 2011 LAM CHIUE MONG JP 4243208/2023 2011 LAM CHIUE MONG JP fdsafs08/2023 2011 LAM CHIUE MONG JP
Dim splitFile = File.ReadAllText(Result).Split(",")
For count = 0 To splitFile.Length - 1
While (splitFile(count).Length < 20)
splitFile(count) = splitFile(count) + " "
End While
totalFile += splitFile(count)
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:test.txt", totalFile, False)
''' <summary>
''' Removes delimiters from a file and makes all but the last column a fixed width.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="inputFilePath">
''' The path of the input file.
''' </param>
''' <param name="outputFilePath">
''' The path of the output file. Can be the same as the input file.
''' </param>
''' <param name="delimiter">
''' The field delimiter in the input file.
''' </param>
''' <param name="fieldWidth">
''' The width of the columns in the output file.
''' </param>
Private Sub MakeDelimitedFileFixedWidth(inputFilePath As String,
outputFilePath As String,
delimiter As String,
fieldWidth As Integer)
'The lines to write to the output file.
Dim outputLines As New List(Of String)
For Each line In File.ReadLines(inputFilePath)
'Split the existing line on the delimiter.
Dim fields = line.Split({delimiter}, StringSplitOptions.None)
'Pad all but the last column to the specified width.
For i = 0 To fields.Length - 2
fields(i) = fields(i).PadRight(fieldWidth)
'Write out the processed data.
File.WriteAllLines(outputFilePath, outputLines)
End Sub
这不会填充最后一列。如果需要,请将 fields.Length - 2
更改为 fields.Length - 1
或 fields.GetUpperBound(0)
MakeDelimitedFileFixedWidth(Result, "C:test.txt", ",", 20)
符号,因此第一行的最后一个字符串不能与第二行的第一个字符串分开。连接的字符串比您定义的长度(即 20)长,因此没有添加 space。您应该逐行读取文件并分别处理每一行。
顺便说一句,要添加尾随 space 以获得固定长度的字符串,您可能想尝试 String.Format,它的性能要好得多。
Check ref here. 示例:
String.Format({0:-20}, splitFile(count))