Firebase Functions v2:为 functionX 启动的实例能否接收 functionY 的流量?

Firebase Functions v2: Can an instance spun up for functionX can receive traffic for functionY?

Firebase function v2 来了。 现在根据文档:

Function instances can now execute more than one request at a time. This feature is available for functions with one dedicated CPU or higher. Concurrency levels can be set on a per-function basis or across all functions with the setGlobalOptions method. If unspecified, new functions with 1 dedicated CPU or higher will default to 80 concurrent requests. See Allow concurrent requests.

现在我怀疑一个 Function 实例启动来处理 functionX 是否也会收到 functionY 的流量?或者,这意味着 functionX 实例将仅接收 functionX?


这里是 Firebaser。 functionX 的实例将仅接收 functionX 的并发流量。在 Cloud Functions for Firebase 中,一个实例始终只包含一个函数(functionXfunctionY,永远不会两者都包含)。