具有路径的自定义成本函数的 Networkx

Networkx with custom cost function for path


我正在尝试根据自定义函数获取从 A 到 D 的最佳路径,总成本是先前成本的乘积。

  1. A - B - D = 0.6 * 30 = 18
  2. A - C - D = 0.3 * 40 = 12


如何使用 networkx 库执行此操作?


一种方法是遍历所有路径,select 使用自定义函数选择最佳路径。这是粗略的(伪)代码:

from networkx import all_simple_paths

paths = all_simple_paths(G, source, target)
costs = []
for p in paths:
    # obtain the edge weights and evaluate the cost using custom function
    cost = custom_function(p)
    costs.append((cost, p))

# sort the costs and pick the one with the smallest cost
lowest_cost, best_path = sorted(costs)[0]