
How do I store the tmp object in a map, to acess the object outside of it's creation context

我对 C++ 比较陌生。我试图分解问题。


基本上,我有一个创建临时对象的函数。对象被推送到 std::vector:

vector<Student> GetStudents(int some_params)
    vector<Student> students;
    //logic where students are returned 
    Student s1 { "John", 42 };
    Student s2 { "Bill", 12 };
    return students;

为了维护对象,它们存储在外部 std::map

map 通过指针将每个 Student 存储在 vector<Student*> 中(必须是 vector<Student*>!):

map<int, vector<Student*>> m {};
{ //start of new context, other class context in another file, map is passed by reference
    int some_params = 5;
    vector<Student> students = GetStudents(some_params); 

为了将它们存储在地图中,我将引用复制到新的 vector:

    vector<Student*> tmpV;
    for(auto & student : students)
        tmpV.push_back( &student);

    //store them in the map
    m.emplace(some_params, tmpV);

}//leave context

//data loss - Students are lost 



GetStudents()编辑的vector<Student> return需要存储在与[=14=相同范围(或更高范围)的变量中] 指的是它的 Students,例如:

map<int, vector<Student*>> m;
vector<Student> students; // <-- move it up here!

{ //start of new context

    int some_params = 5;
    students = GetStudents(some_params); 

    vector<Student*> tmpV;
    for(auto & student : students)
        tmpV.push_back( &student);

    //store them in the map
    m.emplace(some_params, tmpV);

} //leave context

// no data loss - Students are valid!

否则,GetStudents() 将不得不 return 一个 vector<Student*>,其中每个 Student 都是通过 new 动态创建的,然后通过 new 销毁deletemap 完成后使用它们:

vector<Student*> GetStudents(int some_params)
    vector<Student*> students;
    //logic where students are returned 
    students.push_back(new Student{ "John", 42 });
    students.push_back(new Student{ "Bill", 12 });
    return students;


map<int, vector<Student*>> m;

{ //start of new context

    int some_params = 5;
    vector<Student*> students = GetStudents(some_params); 

    //store them in the map
    m.emplace(some_params, students);

} //leave context

// no data loss - Students are valid!


for(auto &entry : m) {
    for (auto *student : entry.second) {
        delete student;

理想情况下,您的 map 应该存储 vector<Student>vector<unique_ptr<Student>>,但您的要求“ 必须是 vector<Student*>" 阻止了这种情况。