Extract data from PDFs at scale with form recognizer: HttpResponseError: (FailedToDownloadImage) Failed to download image from input URL on Databricks

Extract data from PDFs at scale with form recognizer: HttpResponseError: (FailedToDownloadImage) Failed to download image from input URL on Databricks

我正在尝试使用 Azure 表单识别器从 pdf 中大规模提取数据。我正在使用 code example at github


import pandas as pd

field_list = ["InvoiceId", "VendorName", "VendorAddress", "CustomerName", "CustomerAddress", "CustomerAddressRecipient", "InvoiceDate", "InvoiceTotal", "DueDate"]
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=field_list)

for blob in container.list_blobs():
  blob_url = container_url + "/" + blob.name
  poller = form_recognizer_client.begin_recognize_invoices_from_url(invoice_url=blob_url)
  invoices = poller.result()
  print("Scanning " + blob.name + "...")
  for idx, invoice in enumerate(invoices):
      single_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=field_list)

      for field in field_list:
        entry = invoice.fields.get(field)
        if entry:
          single_df[field] = [entry.value]
      single_df['FileName'] = blob.name
      df = df.append(single_df)

df = df.reset_index(drop=True)


HttpResponseError: (FailedToDownloadImage) Failed to download image from input URL.

我的 URL 如下所示:


注意: 密钥已重新生成,我刚刚将密钥留在其中,因为它会出现在我的代码中以供说明。


REST API supportive documentation, there is a need to specify the Content-Type. There is a need to set the public access to source via JSON file. Set the Content-Type to application/pdf. To make this work, there is a need to install filetype package using link

pip install filetype

检查此 link 以更好地实现 REST API 到用户表单识别器 SDK。