"call" helper(effect) 如何在 redux-saga 中发挥作用 return 解析值而不是承诺?

How "call" helper(effect) function in redux-saga return the resolved value instead a promise?

我不明白调用方法的机制是什么,它自然会产生一个承诺,而是 return 该承诺的解析值。

第 14 行:

import { put, call, takeLatest } from "redux-saga/effects";
import * as api from "./api";
//generate watchers
function* rootSaga() {
  //define watcher
  yield takeLatest("FETCH_TASKS_STARTED", fetchTasks);
//watcher is subProgram.They are executed when an particular action of the dispatched
function* fetchTasks() {
  try {
    yield put({
      type: "REQUEST_STARTED",
    const { data } = yield call(api.fetchTasks);
    yield put({
      type: "FETCH_TASKS_SUCCEED",
      payLoad: { tasks: data },
  } catch (e) {
    yield put({
      type: "REQUEST_FAILED",
      payLoad: { error: e.message },
export default rootSaga;

调用效果源码can be found here

调用效果首先调用您要求它调用的任何内容,然后检查返回的内容。如果您 return a promise(例如,如果您将 call 与异步函数一起使用),它会等待该承诺通过名为 resolvePromise 的辅助函数来解决。 resolvePromise 基本上只是调用 .then 承诺,传递一个回调。回调是知道如何恢复 saga 的函数,它将通过调用 .next().


如果你return an iterator (eg, if you use call with a saga), it hands control over to the proc function, which is the function responsible for running sagas. That code also checks for promises and waits for them to resolve, on this line