收到响应后 aiohttp 检查请求 headers

aiohttp check request headers after receiving response

这是问题所在: 我有一个授权列表 header 需要检查。 为此,我使用 aiohhtp

def make_tasks(session, proxies, unchecked_headers):
    tasks = list()
    for unchecked_header in unchecked_headers:
        current_proxy = proxies.pop()
        headers['authorization'] = unchecked_header
        t = session.get(url, proxy=current_proxy, headers=headers)
    return tasks

async def check_headers(proxies, unchecked_headers):
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as s:
        tasks = make_tasks(s, proxies, unchecked_headers)
        results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
        for result in results:

现在,根据响应代码,我需要记录一些有关该授权的信息 header。问题是它在响应中没有提到实际的 header。因此,我得到了所有响应,但我不知道哪个响应对应于哪个 header,因为它们是异步的。

我环顾四周,没有找到一种方法来检查最初在 ClientResponse object 上发送了哪些 header。我可以在这里做什么?

您可以使用 asyncio.as_completed + 包装器 session.get 到 return 响应以及您想要的任何其他数据。例如:

import aiohttp
import asyncio

url = "https://httpbin.org/get"

unchecked_headers = [
proxies = ["Proxy1", "Proxy2", "Proxy3"]
headers = {}

def make_tasks(session, proxies, unchecked_headers):
    async def _wrapper(t, *args):
        response = await t
        return response, *args

    tasks = list()
    for unchecked_header in unchecked_headers:
        current_proxy = proxies.pop()
        headers["authorization"] = unchecked_header

        # I commented this out because I don't have access to proxy:
        # t = session.get(url, proxy=current_proxy, headers=headers)

        t = session.get(url, headers=headers)
        tasks.append(_wrapper(t, current_proxy, unchecked_header))
    return tasks

async def check_headers(proxies, unchecked_headers):
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as s:
        for task in asyncio.as_completed(
            make_tasks(s, proxies, unchecked_headers)
            response, proxy, header = await task
            print(response.url, proxy, header)

async def main():
    await check_headers(proxies, unchecked_headers)

if __name__ == "__main__":


https://httpbin.org/get Proxy3 A
https://httpbin.org/get Proxy1 C
https://httpbin.org/get Proxy2 B