Laravel 使用默认数据自动创建关系条目

Laravel auto create relation entry with default data

我正在尝试在我的 Laravel 应用程序中制作一个钱包系统。

我的数据库有默认的 users table 并且每个用户有一个 wallet.


// User model
public function wallet()
    return $this->hasOne(Wallet::class);

每当我查询 wallet 时,我都希望像:





//copy attributes from original model
$newRecord = $original->replicate();
// Reset any fields needed to connect to another parent, etc
$newRecord->some_id = $otherParent->id;
//save model before you recreate relations (so it has an id)
//reset relations on EXISTING MODEL (this way you can control which ones will be loaded
$original->relations = [];
//load relations on EXISTING MODEL
$original->load('somerelationship', 'anotherrelationship');
//re-sync the child relationships
$relations = $original->getRelations();
foreach ($relations as $relation) {
    foreach ($relation as $relationRecord) {
        $newRelationship = $relationRecord->replicate();
        $newRelationship->some_parent_id = $newRecord->id;

通过“我希望如果用户没有钱包,应该使用默认值自动创建一个新钱包”如果你的意思是你在前端使用 $user->wallet 时想要一些默认值以避免条件,您可以使用方便的 withDefault(),如下所示:

 * Get the wallet for the user.
public function wallet()
    return $this->hasOne(Wallet::class)->withDefault([
        //Default values here
        //This will not persist or create a record in database
        // It will just return an instance of Wallet with default values defined here instead of null when a user doesn't have a Wallet yet
        // It will help avoid conditionals say in frontend view

您可以在 DefaultModel - Lavavel Docs



class User extends Model
    public static function booted()
                //Default values here...

    // Rest of the User Model class code...

您可以在 Model Events - Laravel Docs


选项 1:您可以使用 Default Models

public function wallet()
    return $this->hasOne(Wallet::class)->withDefault([
        'name' => 'Wallet Name',

选项 2:在用户创建时插入 Model Events

protected static function boot()

    static::created(static function (self $user) {
        $wallet = new Wallet(['name' => 'Wallet Name']);