
How to count count the number of names Java

大家好。 我是 Java 的新手,目前正在学习字符串。


问题是我不知道如何使用 Character.isUpperCase(text.charAt(i)) 和 Character.isLowerCase(text.charAt(i + 1) ) 在同一个 if.


class NameCounterTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // 1
        System.out.println(new NameCounter().count("Mars is great planet"));

        // 2
        System.out.println(new NameCounter().count("Moon is near Earth"));

        // 0
        System.out.println(new NameCounter().count("SPACE IS GREAT"));

class NameCounter {
    public int count(String text) {
        String[] words = text.split(" ");

        int wordLength = 0, counter = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
            String word = words[i];
            wordLength = word.length();

            if (wordLength >= 2 && Character.isUpperCase(text.charAt(i)))
        return counter;

1; //Should be 1;
1; //Should be 2;
3; //Should be 0;

您可以使用 word.charAt(0)word.charAt(1) 来获取循环中每个单词的第一个和第二个字符。

class NameCounterTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // 1
        System.out.println(new NameCounter().count("Mars is great planet"));

        // 2
        System.out.println(new NameCounter().count("Moon is near Earth"));

        // 0
        System.out.println(new NameCounter().count("SPACE IS GREAT"));

class NameCounter {
    public int count(String text) {
        String[] words = text.split(" ");

        int wordLength = 0, counter = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
            String word = words[i];
            wordLength = word.length();

            if (wordLength >= 2 && Character.isUpperCase(word.charAt(0)) && Character.isLowerCase(word.charAt(1)))
        return counter;