如何使用 sequenceT 和 ReaderTaskEither 发出两个具有不同错误类型的并行请求?

How to make two parallel requests with different error types using sequenceT and ReaderTaskEither?

我想使用 sequenceT 函数发出两个并行请求并处理结果,但它显示了一个我无法自行解决的错误

import * as RTE from 'fp-ts/ReaderTaskEither'
import * as Ap from 'fp-ts/Apply'

) // <- This method shows error


Type 'SpecialistNotFoundError' is not assignable to type 'UserNotFoundError'.
          Types of property 'code' are incompatible.
            Type '"SPECIALIST_NOT_FOUND"' is not assignable to type '"USER_NOT_FOUND"'


function getSpecialistById (specialistId: string): RTE.ReaderTaskEither<PrismaClient, SpecialistNotFoundError, Specialist> {
  return (prisma: PrismaClient) => {
    return TE.tryCatch(
      () => prisma.specialist.findUnique({ where: { id: specialistId }, rejectOnNotFound: true }),
      () => new SpecialistNotFoundError()

function getUserById (userId: string): RTE.ReaderTaskEither<PrismaClient, UserNotFoundError, User> {
  return (prisma: PrismaClient) => {
    return TE.tryCatch(
      () => prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { id: userId }, rejectOnNotFound: true }),
      () => new UserNotFoundError()

class UserNotFoundError extends Error {
  readonly code = 'USER_NOT_FOUND'

  constructor () {
    super('User not found')

class SpecialistNotFoundError extends Error {
  readonly code = 'SPECIALIST_NOT_FOUND'

  constructor () {
    super('Specialist not found')

我认为与其使用 sequenceT (因为我认为它无法正确处理您要执行的操作的类型),不如使用 Do 符号,如下所示:

const result = pipe(
  RTE.apS("user", getUserById("1")),
  RTE.apSW("spec", getSpecialistById("2")),
  RTE.map(({ user, spec }) => {
    return `${user.id}:${spec.id}`;

result 将是 RTE.ReadTaskEither<PrismaClient, UserNotFoundError | SpecialistNotFoundError, string>,因为我在 map 中返回了 string

这里是the docs on Do notation。请注意底部显示如何并行执行操作的地方