
Is there a method to convert each element of source array from one type to another type?

Transfrom 函数根据某种规则将源数组的每个元素从一种类型转换为另一种类型。它有 2 个参数,其中一个是 Interface

public static TResult[] Transform<TSource, TResult>(this TSource[] source, ITransformer<TSource, TResult> transformer)
            if (source == null || transformer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source));

            if (source.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Array is empty");

            var res = Array.ConvertAll(source, transformer.Transform(source));

            return res;



这里是接口 ITransformer

public interface ITransformer<in TSource, out TResult>
        TResult Transform(TSource obj);

ConvertAll docs 表明该方法具有以下签名:

public static TOutput[] ConvertAll<TInput,TOutput> (TInput[] array, Converter<TInput,TOutput> converter);

如您所见,需要 Converter<TInput, TOutput>。如果我们查看 docs ,我们可以看到它是一个具有以下签名的委托:

public delegate TOutput Converter<in TInput,out TOutput>(TInput input);


var res = Array.ConvertAll(source, new Converter<TSource, TResult>(transformer.Transform));

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