
Get the number of integers between each given range


Write a function that receives 3 arrays and returns an array. The first array contains n integers, their values range between 0 and 10^9. "numbers". The second array is a low-range array, which contains the lower end of a range, it contains q integers. "low". The third array is a high-range array, which contains the higher end of a range, it contains q integers. "high".

The function should return an array that contains the number of integers in the first array, that fall in its range, given by the low-range and high-range arrays.

In the returned array, at index i, there should be the number of integers in "numbers" which are bigger or equal to low[i] and smaller or equal to high[i].

count_range([12,13,14,15,17],[14],[14]) 应该 return [1]
count_range([12,13,14,15,17],[14,15],[14,18]) 应该 return [1,2]
count_range([12,13,14,15,17],[12],[17]) 应该 return [5]



def binarySearch(data, val):
    highIndex = len(data) - 1
    lowIndex = 0
    while highIndex > lowIndex:
        index = math.ceil((highIndex + lowIndex) / 2)
        sub = data[index]
        if sub > val:
            if highIndex == index:
                return sorted([highIndex, lowIndex])
            highIndex = index
            if lowIndex == index:
                return sorted([highIndex, lowIndex])
            lowIndex = index
    return sorted([highIndex, lowIndex])

def count_range(numbers, low, high):
    result = []
    range_dict = {}
    for i in range(len(numbers)):
        if numbers[i] not in range_dict:
            range_dict[numbers[i]] = i
    for i in range(len(low)):
        low_r = low[i]
        high_r = high[i]
        if low_r not in range_dict:
            range_dict[low_r] = binarySearch(numbers, low_r)[0]
        low_index = range_dict.get(low_r)
        if high_r not in range_dict:
            range_dict[high_r] = binarySearch(numbers, high_r)[0]
        high_index = range_dict.get(high_r)
        while high_index+1 < len(numbers) and numbers[high_index + 1] == numbers[high_index]:
            high_index += 1
        if low_r in numbers or low_r < numbers[0]:
            low_index -= 1
        result.append(high_index - low_index)
    return result

使用 Python 的 bisect:

from bisect import bisect_left, bisect_right

def count_range(numbers, low, high):
    return [bisect_right(numbers, hi) - bisect_left(numbers, lo)
            for hi, lo in zip(high, low)]

在我的解决方案中,排序实际上占用了我大约 90% 的时间,然后处理查询只占用了我大约 10% 的时间。

具有 100,000 个数字和 1000 个范围的基准 (Try it online!):

  71.6 ms  count_range_Sara
  24.1 ms  count_range_Kelly
6303.6 ms  count_range_Nin17

  70.5 ms  count_range_Sara
  23.1 ms  count_range_Kelly
6225.0 ms  count_range_Nin17

  64.5 ms  count_range_Sara
  23.1 ms  count_range_Kelly
6306.7 ms  count_range_Nin17

(注意:我测量的 Sara 的解决方案是原始的略有错误的解决方案,尽管存在错误但我还是将其包括在内,因为问题是关于效率的。我测量的 Nin17 的解决方案是他们现在已删除的答案中的原始解决方案,而不是NumPy 一个。)

使用 numpy:

import numpy as np
def count_range(numbers, low, high):
    return np.searchsorted(numbers, high, 'right') - np.searchsorted(numbers, low, 'left')


from timeit import timeit
def test_data():
    RANGE = range(10**9)
    numbers = random.choices(RANGE, k=10**5)
    ranges = (sorted(random.sample(RANGE, 2))
              for _ in range(1000))
    [*low], [*high] = zip(*ranges)
    return [numbers, low, high]
test = test_data()
%timeit kelly(*[t.copy() for t in test])
test2 = [np.array(i) for i in test]
%timeit Nin17(*[t.copy() for t in test2])


13.4 ms ± 77.6 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
4.63 ms ± 14 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)