C# 将各种 class 对象动态传递给单个方法

C# Pass various class objects to a single method dynamically

假设我有两个 classes 并且我想创建一个方法来处理来自两个 classes 的数据,我如何设置一个可以接受两者的方法将它们创建为它们类型的对象?

Public classs Car:Wheel

  public Color color {get; set;}

Public class Bike:Wheel

public bool hasRadio {get ; set;} 
public Color color {get; set;} 

Public class Wheel
  public WheelRimType {get; set;}
  public int WheelSize {get; set;} 

我想将汽车或自行车的 class 动态传递给一个方法。在那个方法中,如何将它转换为正确的对象,这样我就不必为每个对象编写两次相同的方法?

Car c = new Car();
Bike b = new Bike();


private void ValidateVehicle(Type T??)
//convert to either car or bike here



private void ValidateVehicle<T>(T vehicle)
    // no convertion needed. use T as the type of the object
    T vehicle2 = vehicle;



void Main()
    Car car = new Car();
    car.color = Color.Black;
    car.WheelSize = 22;

private void ValidateVehicle<T>(T vehicle)
    // You still need to determine what time this object is
    T someVehicle = vehicle;
    Console.WriteLine("This is a generic method");


void Main()
    Car car = new Car();
    car.color = Color.Black;
    car.WheelSize = 22;
    Bike bike = new Bike();
    bike.color = Color.Red;
    bike.hasRadio = false;
    bike.WheelSize = 12;

// You can define other methods, fields, classes and namespaces here
public class Car: Wheel
  public Color color { get; set; }

public class Bike : Wheel
    public bool hasRadio { get; set; }
    public Color color { get; set; }

public class Wheel
    public int WheelSize { get; set; } 

private void ValidateVehicle(Car car)
    Console.WriteLine("This is your car method");

private void ValidateVehicle(Bike bike)
    Console.WriteLine("This is your bike method");


This is your car method
This is your bike method
  1. 你的汽车和自行车“有”轮子,但不是“轮子”,所以在考虑继承时你可能想阅读更多关于 has-a-is-a 术语的信息:has-a-is-a-terminology-in-object-oriented-language

  2. 我相信你最好为 Car 和 Bike 创建一个基础 class 并在这个基础中放置一个验证方法 class 然后可以在 Car 中实现和自行车。类似于以下内容:

  3. 基础 class VehicleBase 将包含公共属性,colorWheels 属性遵循“has-a”逻辑,在示例中,VehicleBase 将包含一个 IEnumerable<T>,其中 TWheel,其中车辆可以有零个或多个车轮。

public abstract class VehicleBase
   public abstract bool Validate();
   public Color color { get; set;}
   public IEnumerable<Wheel> Wheels {get; set;}

public class Car : VehicleBase
   public override bool Validate()
      //do Car validation

public class Bike : VehicleBase
    public bool hasRadio {get ; set;} 
    public override bool Validate()
      //do Bike validation

public class Wheel
    public WheelRimType { get; set;}
    public int WheelSize {get; set;} 


class Vehicle{


class Car : Vehicle{

class Bike : Vehicle{



private void ValidateVehicle(Vehicle v)
//convert to either car or bike here


abstract class Vehicle{
      virtual bool Validate();

class Car : Vehicle{
     override bool Validate(){

class Bike : Vehicle{
     override bool Validate(){


你只需要做 vobj.Validate()

其中 vobj 是车辆的实例


interface IVehicle{


class Car : IVehicle{

class Bike : IVehicle{


private void ValidateVehicle(Vehicle v)
//convert to either car or bike here

典型的解决方案是引入一个通用接口,以便 ValidateVehicle 可以使用任一类型:

public interface IVehicle{
    Color color {get; set;}

public class Car:Wheel, IVehicle {
    public Color color {get; set;}
public class Bike:Wheel, IVehicle
   public bool hasRadio {get ; set;} 
   public Color color {get; set;} 

private void ValidateVehicle(IVehicle vehicle)
   // Implementation here

这显然需要 IVehicle 公开 ValidateVehicle 使用的所有方法和属性。


public interface IVehicle{
    Color color {get; set;}
    bool ValidateVehicle();


private void ValidateVehicle(object vehicle)
   if(vehicle is Car car){
   if(vehicle is Bike bike){

但这并不容易维护。假设你介绍了一辆摩托车,如果你使用一个接口,你只需要让你的新车继承那个接口,如果你犯了任何错误,编译器就会抱怨。如果你使用 type-checks,你需要记住你检查类型的所有不同地方,并为你的摩托车添加另一个检查,这很快就会成为维护的噩梦。由于这种类型检查通常不受欢迎。

我猜这是为了作业,但我不喜欢这样的面向对象示例。值得注意的是,汽车 不是 轮子,它 轮子,即轮子应该是 属性 而不是 继承.
