
Use typescript to create object from array of objects


const a = [{ foo: 1 }, { bar: '2' }]

我希望使用 a 创建以下形式的对象:

const b = {
  foo: 1,
  bar: '2'

并且 b 的类型应该等同于类型:

type EquivalentType = {
  foo: number
  bar: string


// You might be able to simplify this
type TypeFromLiteral<T> = T extends string ? string : T extends number ? number : T extends boolean ? boolean : never;

// The "as const" part is important so that we can process the types
const a = [{ foo: 1 }, { bar: '2' }] as const;

// Get the final type
type ObjectUnion = typeof a[number];
type NewType = { [T in ObjectUnion as keyof T]: TypeFromLiteral<T[keyof T]> };

// By itself, this will get the correct value. However, we need to process the type separately and cast it to get what you want.
const b = Object.assign({}, ...a) as NewType;

当然有。此解决方案不需要像@Vija02 那样的 as const(尽管如果需要就完全没问题)。

映射数组中所有可能的键,然后使用 Extract:

type CreateFrom<T extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>> = { [K in keyof T[number]]-?: Extract<T[number], { [_ in K]: any }>[K] };


function createFrom<T extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>>(list: T): CreateFrom<T> {
    // ... for you to implement!

请注意,您可能需要转换 return 类型。我认为 TypeScript 不会对此感到满意。

最后,this 是一个演示解决方案的游乐场。