Python 修饰异步函数的注释

Python annotations for decorated async functions

我在为防止 aiohttp 错误而修饰的协程上使用注释时遇到困难。 我有两个功能:

from typing import Callable, Awaitable, Optional
from os import sep
import aiofiles
import aiohttp
from asyncio.exceptions import TimeoutError
from aiohttp.client_exceptions import ClientError

def catch_aiohttp_errors(func: Callable[..., Awaitable]) -> Callable[..., Awaitable]:
    async def wrapper(*args):
            return await func(*args)
        except (TimeoutError, ClientError):
            return None
    return wrapper

async def download(url: str, download_path: str, filename: str, suffix: str) -> Optional[str]:
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        async with session.get(url) as response:
            async with + sep + filename + '.' + suffix, 'wb') as file:
                async for chunk in response.content.iter_chunked(1024):
                    await file.write(chunk) if chunk else await file.write(b'')
    return download_path + sep + filename + '.' + suffix

实现装饰器功能的主要原因是我有几个使用 aiohttp 的异步函数,我不想在每个类似的函数中都写 try/except 语句。

如您所见,它 returns str。但是如果会报错,会根据装饰器函数的try/except部分returnNone。 用 Optional[str] 注释这样的函数是否正确?

我建议使用 TypeVar 作为 Awaitable 类型参数以停止丢失有关装饰函数的信息:在您的示例中调用 download 的结果将是类型 Any.此外,使用 ParamSpec 将有助于保留参数。最后,这样的事情应该可行(假设 python 3.10,否则将所有未知的 typing 导入替换为 typing_extensions

from typing import Callable, Awaitable, Optional, TypeVar, ParamSpec
from functools import wraps

_T = TypeVar('_T')
_P = ParamSpec('_P')

def catch_aiohttp_errors(func: Callable[_P, Awaitable[_T]]) -> Callable[_P, Awaitable[Optional[_T]]]:
    async def wrapper(*args: _P.args, **kwargs: _P.kwargs) -> Optional[_T]:
            return await func(*args)
        except Exception:
            return None
    return wrapper

async def download(url: str, download_path: str, filename: str, suffix: str) -> str:
    return 'foo'


def (url: builtins.str, download_path: builtins.str, filename: builtins.str, suffix: builtins.str) -> typing.Awaitable[Union[builtins.str, None]]

此外,您现在不必手动添加 Optional - 装饰器即可。 Playground with this solution