如何 select 具有类别最大值的行?

How to select rows with max values in categories?

我想将每个 ID 键的聚合用于最大(天)的 select 行。

ID col1 col2 month Day
AI1 5 2 janv 15
AI2 6 0 Dec 16
AI1 1 7 March 16
AI3 9 4 Nov 18
AI2 3 20 Fev 20
AI3 10 8 June 06


ID col1 col2 month Day
AI1 1 7 March 16
AI2 3 20 Fev 20
AI3 9 4 Nov 18


  • 获取每个ID最高的一天(使用groupBy
  • 使用 join
  • 将最高日的值附加到每一行(具有匹配的 ID)
  • 然后是一个简单的过滤器,其中两行的值匹配
# select the max value for each of the ID
maxDayForIDs = df.groupBy("ID").max("day").withColumnRenamed("max(day)", "maxDay")

# now add the max value of the day for each line (with matching ID)
df = df.join(maxDayForIDs, "ID")

# keep only the lines where it matches "day" equals "maxDay"
df = df.filter(df.day == df.maxDay)

通常这种操作是使用window函数完成的,比如 rank, dense_rankrow_number.

from pyspark.sql import functions as F, Window as W
df = spark.createDataFrame(
    [('AI1', 5, 2, 'janv', '15'),
     ('AI2', 6, 0, 'Dec', '16'),
     ('AI1', 1, 7, 'March', '16'),
     ('AI3', 9, 4, 'Nov', '18'),
     ('AI2', 3, 20, 'Fev', '20'),
     ('AI3', 10, 8, 'June', '06')],
    ['ID', 'col1', 'col2', 'month', 'Day']
w = W.partitionBy('ID').orderBy(F.desc('Day'))
df = df.withColumn('_rn', F.row_number().over(w))
df = df.filter('_rn=1').drop('_rn')

# +---+----+----+-----+---+
# | ID|col1|col2|month|Day|
# +---+----+----+-----+---+
# |AI1|   1|   7|March| 16|
# |AI2|   3|  20|  Fev| 20|
# |AI3|   9|   4|  Nov| 18|
# +---+----+----+-----+---+


   new= (df.withColumn('max',first('Day').over(w))#Order by day descending and keep first value in a group in max
          .where(col('Day')==col('max'))#filter where max=Day
          .drop('max')#drop max