SQL 在 Google Cloud Spanner 中返回嵌套类别的查询?

SQL query for returning nested categories in Google Cloud Spanner?

我在 Google Cloud Spanner 中有以下 table 类别。

CREATE TABLE categories (
  categoryId STRING(36) NOT NULL,
  name STRING(128) NOT NULL,
  parent BOOL NOT NULL,
  parentId STRING(36),
  archived BOOL,
  FOREIGN KEY (parentId) REFERENCES categories (categoryId)
) PRIMARY KEY(categoryId);

因此 table 可能具有如下所示的条目。

categoryId name parent parentId archived
1 Clothing true false
2 Homeware true false
3 Shirts false 1 false
4 Pants false 1 false
5 Technology true false
6 Tablets false 5 true

我想查询这个 table 以便它 return 首先是所有未存档的 parent 类别(我不能真正删除我的应用程序中的行,因为文档将引用行 - 所以我实施了归档),以及属于所述 parents.

的所有 child 类别(未归档)


SELECT categories.categoryId, categories.name, childCategories.name AS childName 
FROM categories
LEFT JOIN categories AS childCategories
ON childCategories.parentId = categories.categoryId
WHERE categories.parent = true AND categories.archived = FALSE

但是,这将归档 return 行 child 类别。下面是确切的结果 returned.

categoryId name childName
1 Clothing Shirts
1 Clothing Pants
2 Homeware
5 Technology Tablets


categoryId name childName
1 Clothing Shirts
1 Clothing Pants
2 Homeware
5 Technology


SELECT categories.categoryId, categories.name, childCategories.name AS childName 
FROM categories
LEFT JOIN categories AS childCategories
ON childCategories.parentId = categories.categoryId
WHERE categories.parent = true AND categories.archived = FALSE AND childCategories.archived = FALSE

但是,如果它们没有至少一个 child 类别,则不会 return 任何 parent 类别。下面是确切的结果 returned.

categoryId name childName
1 Clothing Shirts
1 Clothing Pants

我不知道如何编写查询以获得所需的结果。任何 help/insight 将不胜感激。提前致谢!

您几乎完成了,因为您只需要未归档的子类别,将条件 childCategories.archived = FALSE 移至 ON 而不是 WHERE 子句。

将过滤器放在 WHERE 上将从数据集中删除结果,但是如果将其置于 ON 条件下,将 return 来自父类别的所有内容和来自子类别的相应匹配行.

SELECT categories.categoryId, categories.name, childCategories.name AS childName 
FROM categories
LEFT JOIN categories AS childCategories
ON childCategories.parentId = categories.categoryId
AND childCategories.archived = FALSE --Added here
WHERE categories.parent = true AND categories.archived = FALSE