如何禁用 RTK 查询自动请求提取?
How to disable RTK Query auto-request fetching?
当我从 createApi 应用自动生成的挂钩时。该挂钩向服务器发出自动请求,但我只需要在特定条件下发出该请求。我尝试按照Redux的文档来实现:(https://redux-toolkit.js.org/rtk-query/usage/conditional-fetching),但是没有成功。
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { useGetPostsQuery } from '../api/apiSlice'
const PostExcerpt = ({ post }) => {
return (
export const PostList = () => {
const [skip, setSkip] = useState(true)
const { data: posts = [], isLoading, isSuccess, isError, error } = useGetPostsQuery({ skip })
let content
if (isLoading) {
content = <h3>Posts Loading ...</h3>
} else if (isSuccess) {
content = posts.map(post => <PostExcerpt key={post.id} post={post} />)
} else if (isError) {
content = (
<h3>Error happened</h3>
return (
<div style={{ border: '2px solid red' }}>
<button onClick={() => setSkip(prev => !prev)}>Fetch it</button>
根据 Redux Toolkit RTK 查询文档,我应该使用一个带有布尔值跳过 属性 的对象作为自动生成挂钩的参数。我做了,但没有成功。它一直在向服务器发出请求。那么,我做错了什么?
apiSlice 看起来像:(src/features/api/apiSlice.js )
import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'
// Define our single API slice object
export const apiSlice = createApi({
// The cache reducer expects to be added at `state.api` (already default - this is optional)
reducerPath: 'api',
// All of our requests will have URLs starting with '/fakeApi'
baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/fakeApi' }),
// The "endpoints" represent operations and requests for this server
endpoints: builder => ({
// The `getPosts` endpoint is a "query" operation that returns data
getPosts: builder.query({
// The URL for the request is '/fakeApi/posts'
query: () => '/posts',
addNewPost: builder.mutation({
query: initialPost => ({
url: '/posts',
method: 'POST',
body: initialPost,
// Export the auto-generated hook for the `getPosts` query endpoint
export const { useGetPostsQuery, useAddNewPostMutation } = apiSlice
您也可以在 GitHub 上查看此代码。
GitHub link:https://github.com/AlexKor-5/Redux_Mock_Service_Worker/tree/bd593191dce8c13982ffa2cdb946046d6eb26941
选项总是第二个参数 - 你需要做
useGetPostsQuery(undefined, { skip })
您将 'skip' 作为查询参数传递,但它是一个选项,因此它必须在挂钩的第二个参数中。如果您的查询没有参数,那么您可以传递 'null' 或 'undefined'
当我从 createApi 应用自动生成的挂钩时。该挂钩向服务器发出自动请求,但我只需要在特定条件下发出该请求。我尝试按照Redux的文档来实现:(https://redux-toolkit.js.org/rtk-query/usage/conditional-fetching),但是没有成功。
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { useGetPostsQuery } from '../api/apiSlice'
const PostExcerpt = ({ post }) => {
return (
export const PostList = () => {
const [skip, setSkip] = useState(true)
const { data: posts = [], isLoading, isSuccess, isError, error } = useGetPostsQuery({ skip })
let content
if (isLoading) {
content = <h3>Posts Loading ...</h3>
} else if (isSuccess) {
content = posts.map(post => <PostExcerpt key={post.id} post={post} />)
} else if (isError) {
content = (
<h3>Error happened</h3>
return (
<div style={{ border: '2px solid red' }}>
<button onClick={() => setSkip(prev => !prev)}>Fetch it</button>
根据 Redux Toolkit RTK 查询文档,我应该使用一个带有布尔值跳过 属性 的对象作为自动生成挂钩的参数。我做了,但没有成功。它一直在向服务器发出请求。那么,我做错了什么?
apiSlice 看起来像:(src/features/api/apiSlice.js )
import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'
// Define our single API slice object
export const apiSlice = createApi({
// The cache reducer expects to be added at `state.api` (already default - this is optional)
reducerPath: 'api',
// All of our requests will have URLs starting with '/fakeApi'
baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/fakeApi' }),
// The "endpoints" represent operations and requests for this server
endpoints: builder => ({
// The `getPosts` endpoint is a "query" operation that returns data
getPosts: builder.query({
// The URL for the request is '/fakeApi/posts'
query: () => '/posts',
addNewPost: builder.mutation({
query: initialPost => ({
url: '/posts',
method: 'POST',
body: initialPost,
// Export the auto-generated hook for the `getPosts` query endpoint
export const { useGetPostsQuery, useAddNewPostMutation } = apiSlice
您也可以在 GitHub 上查看此代码。 GitHub link:https://github.com/AlexKor-5/Redux_Mock_Service_Worker/tree/bd593191dce8c13982ffa2cdb946046d6eb26941
选项总是第二个参数 - 你需要做
useGetPostsQuery(undefined, { skip })
您将 'skip' 作为查询参数传递,但它是一个选项,因此它必须在挂钩的第二个参数中。如果您的查询没有参数,那么您可以传递 'null' 或 'undefined'