
split mint money metaplex

我是区块链技术的新手,我在使用 metaplex 将铸币分成多个钱包时遇到了一些问题

我想知道是否有可能有一些钱包会获得一定比例的主要销售(薄荷)但不会获得任何版税? 如果可能的话该怎么做? (Json 元数据中的属性?)

这是我的 json 元数据:

    "name": "name",
    "symbol": "symbol",
    "description": "Collection of 2 NFTS on the blockchain. this is the number 1 out of 2.",
    "seller_fee_basis_points": 500, // Here only public key 1 gets the royalties 
    "image": "1.png",
    "attributes": [
        {"trait_type:": "Background", "value": "Door"},
        {"trait_type:": "Ninja", "value": "Red"}
    "properties": {
        "creators": [
            {"address": "public key 1", "share": 50},
            {"address": "public key 2", "share": 50}
        "files": [{"uri": "1.png", "type": "image/png"}]

    "collection": {"name": "Lavish Fighters", "family": "Rare"}



元数据中 json 字段中的创作者是 deprecated on the newers standards. 此外,这些创作者仅用于二级市场版税份额。

你可以看看Hydra its a wallet of wallets that work to split mint funds between different wallets. Here is a Hydra-UI可以在主网上运行。