Table header 来自 Svelte JSON 的数据 table
Table header data from JSON in Svelte table
我正在研究 Svelte 和 sb-admin-svelte 项目。我正在使用 JSON 中的 API 中的一些示例数据,到目前为止我已经在工作了,但我的问题是如何从 JSON 数据中自动获取关键项在 HTML?
中解析为 table header
"id": 1,
"name": "Leanne Graham",
"username": "Bret",
"email": "",
"address": {
"street": "Kulas Light",
"suite": "Apt. 556",
"city": "Gwenborough",
"zipcode": "92998-3874",
"geo": {
"lat": "-37.3159",
"lng": "81.1496"
"phone": "1-770-736-8031 x56442",
"website": "",
"company": {
"name": "Romaguera-Crona",
"catchPhrase": "Multi-layered client-server neural-net",
"bs": "harness real-time e-markets"
"id": 2,
"name": "Ervin Howell",
"username": "Antonette",
"email": "",
"address": {
"street": "Victor Plains",
"suite": "Suite 879",
"city": "Wisokyburgh",
"zipcode": "90566-7771",
"geo": {
"lat": "-43.9509",
"lng": "-34.4618"
"phone": "010-692-6593 x09125",
"website": "",
"company": {
"name": "Deckow-Crist",
"catchPhrase": "Proactive didactic contingency",
"bs": "synergize scalable supply-chains"
"id": 3,
"name": "Clementine Bauch",
"username": "Samantha",
"email": "",
"address": {
"street": "Douglas Extension",
"suite": "Suite 847",
"city": "McKenziehaven",
"zipcode": "59590-4157",
"geo": {
"lat": "-68.6102",
"lng": "-47.0653"
"phone": "1-463-123-4447",
"website": "",
"company": {
"name": "Romaguera-Jacobson",
"catchPhrase": "Face to face bifurcated interface",
"bs": "e-enable strategic applications"
import Table from "sveltestrap/src/Table.svelte";
import { onMount } from "svelte";
let users = [];
onMount(async () => {
const res = await fetch(``);
users = await res.json();
const tableHeading = ["ID", "Name", "Username", "email"];
<Table bordered responsive>
{#each tableHeading as heading}
{#each users as user}
<th scope="row">{}</th>
这很好,但我想弄清楚的是如何从 JSON 数据(例如 "id", "name" "username", "email
)中获取 tableHeading
数据以自动填充到 {#each tableHeading as heading}
这是你想做的吗? REPL
import Table from "sveltestrap/src/Table.svelte";
import { onMount } from "svelte";
async function fetchUsers() {
const res = await fetch(``);
return await res.json();
{#await fetchUsers() then users}
<Table bordered responsive>
{#each Object.keys(users[0]).slice(0,4) as heading}
{#each users as user}
<th scope="row">{}</th>
但为什么不根据给定的列数自动填充 table 内容 REPL
import Table from "sveltestrap/src/Table.svelte";
import { onMount } from "svelte";
async function fetchUsers() {
const res = await fetch(``);
return await res.json();
const columns = 4
{#await fetchUsers() then users}
<Table bordered responsive>
{#each Object.keys(users[0]).slice(0,columns) as heading}
{#each users as user}
{#each Object.values(user).slice(0,columns) as value, index}
{#if index===0}
<th scope="row">{value}</th>
对于 table body 内的内部 #each 循环,可以使用新的 svelte:element 代替(但在这种情况下并不是更好的选择)
{#each Object.values(user).slice(0,columns+1) as value, index}
<svelte:element this={index === 0 ? 'th': 'td'}
scope={index === 0 ? 'row' : undefined}
但更灵活方便的方法是像您已经做的那样,通过定义的 table 标题填充所有内容,并在此基础上填充 table body。像这样不需要的值可以简单地省略并且顺序很容易改变 REPL
import Table from "sveltestrap/src/Table.svelte";
import { onMount } from "svelte";
async function fetchUsers() {
const res = await fetch(``);
return await res.json();
const tableHeading = ["ID", "Name", "Website", "email", "Username", "Phone"];
{#await fetchUsers() then users}
<Table bordered responsive>
{#each tableHeading as heading}
{#each users as user}
{#each tableHeading as key, index}
{@const k = key.toLowerCase()}
{#if index===0}
<th scope="row">{user[k]}</th>
我正在研究 Svelte 和 sb-admin-svelte 项目。我正在使用 JSON 中的 API 中的一些示例数据,到目前为止我已经在工作了,但我的问题是如何从 JSON 数据中自动获取关键项在 HTML?
中解析为 table header这是我目前拥有的:
"id": 1,
"name": "Leanne Graham",
"username": "Bret",
"email": "",
"address": {
"street": "Kulas Light",
"suite": "Apt. 556",
"city": "Gwenborough",
"zipcode": "92998-3874",
"geo": {
"lat": "-37.3159",
"lng": "81.1496"
"phone": "1-770-736-8031 x56442",
"website": "",
"company": {
"name": "Romaguera-Crona",
"catchPhrase": "Multi-layered client-server neural-net",
"bs": "harness real-time e-markets"
"id": 2,
"name": "Ervin Howell",
"username": "Antonette",
"email": "",
"address": {
"street": "Victor Plains",
"suite": "Suite 879",
"city": "Wisokyburgh",
"zipcode": "90566-7771",
"geo": {
"lat": "-43.9509",
"lng": "-34.4618"
"phone": "010-692-6593 x09125",
"website": "",
"company": {
"name": "Deckow-Crist",
"catchPhrase": "Proactive didactic contingency",
"bs": "synergize scalable supply-chains"
"id": 3,
"name": "Clementine Bauch",
"username": "Samantha",
"email": "",
"address": {
"street": "Douglas Extension",
"suite": "Suite 847",
"city": "McKenziehaven",
"zipcode": "59590-4157",
"geo": {
"lat": "-68.6102",
"lng": "-47.0653"
"phone": "1-463-123-4447",
"website": "",
"company": {
"name": "Romaguera-Jacobson",
"catchPhrase": "Face to face bifurcated interface",
"bs": "e-enable strategic applications"
import Table from "sveltestrap/src/Table.svelte";
import { onMount } from "svelte";
let users = [];
onMount(async () => {
const res = await fetch(``);
users = await res.json();
const tableHeading = ["ID", "Name", "Username", "email"];
<Table bordered responsive>
{#each tableHeading as heading}
{#each users as user}
<th scope="row">{}</th>
这很好,但我想弄清楚的是如何从 JSON 数据(例如 "id", "name" "username", "email
)中获取 tableHeading
数据以自动填充到 {#each tableHeading as heading}
这是你想做的吗? REPL
import Table from "sveltestrap/src/Table.svelte";
import { onMount } from "svelte";
async function fetchUsers() {
const res = await fetch(``);
return await res.json();
{#await fetchUsers() then users}
<Table bordered responsive>
{#each Object.keys(users[0]).slice(0,4) as heading}
{#each users as user}
<th scope="row">{}</th>
但为什么不根据给定的列数自动填充 table 内容 REPL
import Table from "sveltestrap/src/Table.svelte";
import { onMount } from "svelte";
async function fetchUsers() {
const res = await fetch(``);
return await res.json();
const columns = 4
{#await fetchUsers() then users}
<Table bordered responsive>
{#each Object.keys(users[0]).slice(0,columns) as heading}
{#each users as user}
{#each Object.values(user).slice(0,columns) as value, index}
{#if index===0}
<th scope="row">{value}</th>
对于 table body 内的内部 #each 循环,可以使用新的 svelte:element 代替(但在这种情况下并不是更好的选择)
{#each Object.values(user).slice(0,columns+1) as value, index}
<svelte:element this={index === 0 ? 'th': 'td'}
scope={index === 0 ? 'row' : undefined}
但更灵活方便的方法是像您已经做的那样,通过定义的 table 标题填充所有内容,并在此基础上填充 table body。像这样不需要的值可以简单地省略并且顺序很容易改变 REPL
import Table from "sveltestrap/src/Table.svelte";
import { onMount } from "svelte";
async function fetchUsers() {
const res = await fetch(``);
return await res.json();
const tableHeading = ["ID", "Name", "Website", "email", "Username", "Phone"];
{#await fetchUsers() then users}
<Table bordered responsive>
{#each tableHeading as heading}
{#each users as user}
{#each tableHeading as key, index}
{@const k = key.toLowerCase()}
{#if index===0}
<th scope="row">{user[k]}</th>