索引固定完成计数作业,具有相同索引的多个 pod

Indexed fixed completion count job, more than one pod with the same index

有点不清楚的句子in the doco:

Note that, although rare, more than one Pod could be started for the same index, but only one of them will count towards the completion count.

这么说吧,在一个 Indexed 作业中有两个 pods 具有相同的索引。 现在,其中一个失败了(restartPolicy = "Never"),另一个成功了。假设所有其他 pods 都成功。整个工作会失败吗?或者这可能取决于共享相同索引的那些人中的哪一个是第一个——成功的还是失败的?还是完全不确定?


The Job is considered complete when there is one successfully completed Pod for each index.

可以有重复的索引,但对于每个索引,只有 一个(第一个达到完成的)将被计算为 spec.completions