替换 XLSM excel 文件中的 vbaProject.bin
Replace vbaProject.bin in XLSM excel file
我有一个名为“Sample.xlsm”的 excel 文件,在 excel 文件的相同路径中,我有一个 vbaProject.bin 文件
如何用我自己的 .bin 文件替换 xlsm 文件中嵌入的 vbaproject.bin?
Sub ReplaceVBABin7z()
Const SevenZipExe = "C:\Program Files-Zipz.exe"
Const tmpDir = "c:\tempz\"
Dim qq As String: qq = Chr(34) '"
' check 7-zip exe exists
Dim fso As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not fso.fileexists(SevenZipExe) Then
MsgBox SevenZipExe & " not found", vbCritical, "7-Zip Not found"
Exit Sub
End If
' create list of commands available
Dim cmd As String, pid As Double
'cmd = "cmd /c """ & SevenZipExe & """ >" & tmpDir & "7-Zip_Commands.txt"
'pid = Shell(cmd, vbHide)
'MsgBox "Command List see " & tmpDir & "7-Zip_Commands.txt", vbInformation, pid
Dim path As String
Dim strFileName As String, strBinName As String
' select workbook
path = ThisWorkbook.path & "\"
strFileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel Macro Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm), *.xlsm")
If strFileName = "False" Then Exit Sub
strFileName = qq & strFileName & qq ' quoted for spaces in filename
' extract xl dir and sub dirs into tmpdir
cmd = qq & SevenZipExe & qq & " x -r -y -o" & qq & tmpDir & qq & " " & _
strFileName & " xl"
pid = Shell(cmd, vbHide)
Debug.Print pid, cmd
MsgBox "xl directory from " & strFileName & " extracted to " & tmpDir, vbInformation, "EXTRACT pid=" & pid
'Shell "Taskkill -pid " & pid
' delete xl\vbaProject.bin dir and subdir
strBinName = "xl\vbaProject.bin"
cmd = qq & SevenZipExe & qq & " d -r " & _
strFileName & " " & strBinName
pid = Shell(cmd, vbHide)
Debug.Print pid, cmd
MsgBox strBinName & " deleted from " & strFileName, vbInformation, "DELETE pid=" & pid
'Shell "Taskkill -pid " & pid
' update xl dir and subdir
cmd = qq & SevenZipExe & qq & " u -r -y -stl " & _
strFileName & " " & qq & tmpDir & "xl" & qq
pid = Shell(cmd, vbHide)
Debug.Print pid, cmd
MsgBox strFileName & " updated from " & tmpDir, vbInformation, "UPDATE pid=" & pid
'Shell "Taskkill -pid " & pid
End Sub
这是一个使用 built-in Shell 方法处理 zip 存档的方法:
Sub ReplaceInZip()
Const BASE As String = "C:\Temp\VBA\"
Dim fldr, zpath, itm, vrbs, vrb
zpath = BASE & "blah.xlsm" 'the file to be modified
Name zpath As zpath & ".zip" 'add a .zip extension
With CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set fldr = CreateObject("Shell.Application").Namespace(zpath & ".zip" & "\xl")
'remove the existing bin file by moving it out to an "old" folder
For Each itm In fldr.items
If itm.Name = "vbaProject.bin" Then
.Namespace(BASE & "old").moveHere itm
'add timestamp to moved file
Name BASE & "old\vbaProject.bin" As _
BASE & "old\vbaProject.bin." & Format(Now, "yyyy-mm-dd-hhnnss")
Exit For
End If
Next itm
fldr.Copyhere "C:\Temp\VBA\vbaProject.bin"
Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 2) 'wait for copy to complete
End With
Name zpath & ".zip" As zpath
End Sub
我有一个名为“Sample.xlsm”的 excel 文件,在 excel 文件的相同路径中,我有一个 vbaProject.bin 文件 如何用我自己的 .bin 文件替换 xlsm 文件中嵌入的 vbaproject.bin? 我已经搜索并找到了一个代码,但它对我不起作用
Sub ReplaceVBABin7z()
Const SevenZipExe = "C:\Program Files-Zipz.exe"
Const tmpDir = "c:\tempz\"
Dim qq As String: qq = Chr(34) '"
' check 7-zip exe exists
Dim fso As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not fso.fileexists(SevenZipExe) Then
MsgBox SevenZipExe & " not found", vbCritical, "7-Zip Not found"
Exit Sub
End If
' create list of commands available
Dim cmd As String, pid As Double
'cmd = "cmd /c """ & SevenZipExe & """ >" & tmpDir & "7-Zip_Commands.txt"
'pid = Shell(cmd, vbHide)
'MsgBox "Command List see " & tmpDir & "7-Zip_Commands.txt", vbInformation, pid
Dim path As String
Dim strFileName As String, strBinName As String
' select workbook
path = ThisWorkbook.path & "\"
strFileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel Macro Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm), *.xlsm")
If strFileName = "False" Then Exit Sub
strFileName = qq & strFileName & qq ' quoted for spaces in filename
' extract xl dir and sub dirs into tmpdir
cmd = qq & SevenZipExe & qq & " x -r -y -o" & qq & tmpDir & qq & " " & _
strFileName & " xl"
pid = Shell(cmd, vbHide)
Debug.Print pid, cmd
MsgBox "xl directory from " & strFileName & " extracted to " & tmpDir, vbInformation, "EXTRACT pid=" & pid
'Shell "Taskkill -pid " & pid
' delete xl\vbaProject.bin dir and subdir
strBinName = "xl\vbaProject.bin"
cmd = qq & SevenZipExe & qq & " d -r " & _
strFileName & " " & strBinName
pid = Shell(cmd, vbHide)
Debug.Print pid, cmd
MsgBox strBinName & " deleted from " & strFileName, vbInformation, "DELETE pid=" & pid
'Shell "Taskkill -pid " & pid
' update xl dir and subdir
cmd = qq & SevenZipExe & qq & " u -r -y -stl " & _
strFileName & " " & qq & tmpDir & "xl" & qq
pid = Shell(cmd, vbHide)
Debug.Print pid, cmd
MsgBox strFileName & " updated from " & tmpDir, vbInformation, "UPDATE pid=" & pid
'Shell "Taskkill -pid " & pid
End Sub
这是一个使用 built-in Shell 方法处理 zip 存档的方法:
Sub ReplaceInZip()
Const BASE As String = "C:\Temp\VBA\"
Dim fldr, zpath, itm, vrbs, vrb
zpath = BASE & "blah.xlsm" 'the file to be modified
Name zpath As zpath & ".zip" 'add a .zip extension
With CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set fldr = CreateObject("Shell.Application").Namespace(zpath & ".zip" & "\xl")
'remove the existing bin file by moving it out to an "old" folder
For Each itm In fldr.items
If itm.Name = "vbaProject.bin" Then
.Namespace(BASE & "old").moveHere itm
'add timestamp to moved file
Name BASE & "old\vbaProject.bin" As _
BASE & "old\vbaProject.bin." & Format(Now, "yyyy-mm-dd-hhnnss")
Exit For
End If
Next itm
fldr.Copyhere "C:\Temp\VBA\vbaProject.bin"
Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 2) 'wait for copy to complete
End With
Name zpath & ".zip" As zpath
End Sub