
null values in Scenario Outline under Examples is considered as string in Karate


Feature: Reqres api test cases
Scenario Outline: register user post -data driven test of negative scenarios
    Given url 'https://reqres.in/api'
    And path 'register'
    And def payload =
      "email": "<email>",
      "password": "<password>"
    And request payload
    When method post
    Then status 400
    * print response
    * match response == <errorResponse>

      | email | password | errorResponse                          |
      | null  | null     | {"error": "Missing email or username"} |

正因为如此,我收到了回复{ "error": "注意:只有定义的用户注册成功" } 而不是这个响应 {"error": "Missing email or username"}。如何解决这个问题?


我在下面re-written 你的测试。请注意在 Examples: 列名称中使用 ! 后缀。

Feature: reqres api test cases

  Scenario Outline: data driven test of negative scenarios
    Given url 'https://reqres.in/api'
    And path 'register'
    And request { email: '#(email)', password: '#(password)' }
    When method post
    Then status 400
    And match response == errorResponse

      | email! | password! | errorResponse!                         |
      | null   | null      | { error: 'Missing email or username' } |