在 R 中,如何找到一个单词在字符串中的位置?

In R, how to find the location of a word in a string?



df <- data.frame(text = c("omg coke is so awsme","i always preferred pepsi", "mozart is so overrated by yeah fanta makes my day, always"))

dict <- c("coke", "pepsi", "fanta")

位置可以是字典单词之前的 N 个字符或单词。

我一直在研究找到的代码 here,但我无法让它工作。

例如,这段代码完成了这项工作,但只针对一个词和一个字符串(而不是 df 和字典)

my_string = "omg coke is so awsme"
unlist(gregexpr("coke", my_string))[1]


                                                       text  location
1                                      omg coke is so awsme         2
2                                  i always preferred pepsi         4
3 mozart is so overrated by yeah fanta makes my day, always         7



c(regexpr(paste0(dict,collapse = '|'), df$text))

[1]  5 20 32



pat <-  sprintf(".*(%s)", paste0(dict,collapse = '|'))
df %>%
  mutate(loc = str_count(str_extract(text,pat), "\w+"))

                                                       text loc
1                                      omg coke is so awsme   2
2                                  i always preferred pepsi   4
3 mozart is so overrated by yeah fanta makes my day, always   7

这是一个简单的 for 循环:

for(i in dict) {
  df[[i]] = stringi::stri_locate_first_fixed(df$text, i)[, 1]
#                                                        text coke pepsi fanta
# 1                                      omg coke is so awsme    5    NA    NA
# 2                                  i always preferred pepsi   NA    20    NA
# 3 mozart is so overrated by yeah fanta makes my day, always   NA    NA    32

或使用 regexpr(基础的一部分,因此没有依赖性):

for(i in dict) {
  df[[i]] = regexpr(i, df$text, fixed = TRUE)
#                                                        text coke pepsi fanta
# 1                                      omg coke is so awsme    5    -1    -1
# 2                                  i always preferred pepsi   -1    20    -1
# 3 mozart is so overrated by yeah fanta makes my day, always   -1    -1    32


df$words = strsplit(df$text, split = " ")
for(i in dict) {
  df[[i]] = sapply(df$words, \(x) match(i, unlist(x)))
#                                                        text coke pepsi fanta
# 1                                      omg coke is so awsme    2    NA    NA
# 2                                  i always preferred pepsi   NA     4    NA
# 3 mozart is so overrated by yeah fanta makes my day, always   NA    NA     7
#                                                                 words
# 1                                            omg, coke, is, so, awsme
# 2                                         i, always, preferred, pepsi
# 3 mozart, is, so, overrated, by, yeah, fanta, makes, my, day,, always
#> Loading required package: quanteda
#> Package version: 3.2.1
#> Unicode version: 13.0
#> ICU version: 69.1
#> Parallel computing: 8 of 8 threads used.
#> See https://quanteda.io for tutorials and examples.

df <- data.frame(text = c("omg coke is so awsme",
                          "i always preferred pepsi", 
                          "mozart is so overrated by yeah fanta makes my day, always"))
dict <- c("coke", "pepsi", "fanta")

corp <- corpus(df)
toks <- tokens(corp)
index(toks, dict)
#>   docname from to pattern
#> 1   text1    2  2    coke
#> 2   text2    4  4   pepsi
#> 3   text3    7  7   fanta

reprex package (v2.0.1)

创建于 2022-05-27