
Is there a function in haskell to determine if each element in a list is in another list?

我想知道 haskell 中是否有一个函数可以确定列表中的每个元素是否在另一个列表中。我写了我自己的,但它看起来像是 PreludeData.List

each :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
each xs ys = foldl (\acc x -> if x `elem` ys then True && acc else False) True xs


您特别想要的集合操作不在 Prelude 中,但 all 使定义有些微不足道(尽管不一定有效)。

-- Check if every element in xs is in ys (i.e., is xs a subset of ys)
each xs ys = all (`elem` ys) xs

假设您的列表没有重复值,您可以尝试 (\)

import Data.List

-- Check if removing all elements in ys from xs produces an empty list.
each xs ys = null (xs \ ys)