How do I use tkinter to write into a txt document
到目前为止我们有很多代码,但我们找不到任何东西来记录信息并将其以包含所有类别的收据样式发送到 txt 文档。如果有解决方案,我们找不到
#second window - rory
def new1():
root = Tk( )
root.geometry( '1100x600+100+100') #where the box will be on the screen
root.resizable (width=False, height=False)
# address - rory
Label (root, text = "Address:").place(relx = 0.3 , rely = 0.5)
Label (root, text = "City:").place(relx = 0.3 , rely = 0.3)
Label (root, text = "Province/Territory:").place(relx = 0.3 , rely = 0.1)
Label (root, text = "Postal Code:").place(relx = 0.3 , rely = 0.7)
Label (root, text = "Phone Number:").place(relx = 0.3 , rely = 0.9)
depot7 = StringVar()
OptionMenu (root, depot7, "British Columbia", "Alberta", "Saskatchewan", "Manitoba","Ontario","Yukon","Northwest Territories","Nunavut","Prince Edward Island","New Brunswick","Quebec","Nova Scotia","Newfoundland and Labrador").place(relx = 0.41 , rely = 0.09)
address1 = Entry(root, width = 30).place(relx = 0.34 , rely = 0.3)
address2 = Entry(root, width = 30).place(relx = 0.36 , rely = 0.5)
address3 = Entry(root, width = 14).place(relx = 0.38 , rely = 0.7)
pn = Entry(root, width = 18).place(relx = 0.39 , rely = 0.9)
#payment - rory
depot11 = StringVar()
Label (root, text = "Type of Payment:").place(relx = 0.65 , rely = 0.1)
OptionMenu (root, depot11, "VISA", "MASTERCARD", "AMERICAN EXPRESS", "DISCOVER").place(relx = 0.75 , rely = 0.09)
Label (root, text = "Name On Card:").place(relx = 0.65 , rely = 0.3)
Label (root, text = "Card Number:").place(relx = 0.65 , rely = 0.5)
Label (root, text = "Expire Date (MM/YY):").place(relx = 0.65 , rely = 0.7)
Label (root, text = "CVV:").place(relx = 0.65 , rely = 0.9)
pay1 = Entry(root, width = 30).place(relx = 0.74 , rely = 0.3)
pay2 = Entry(root, width = 30).place(relx = 0.73 , rely = 0.5)
pay3 = Entry(root, width = 6).place(relx = 0.77 , rely = 0.7)
pay4 = Entry(root, width = 6).place(relx = 0.69 , rely = 0.9)
title = Label(root, text = "Cart", font = 40).place(relx = 0.14 , rely = 0.06)
cart1 = tk.Text(root, width = 30, height = 28, state='disabled').place(relx = 0.05, rely = 0.1)
def dad():
fileD = open("qqqq.txt", "a")
fileD.write("%s\n" % address1.get())
fileD.write("%s\n" % address2.get())
fileD.write("%s\n" % address3.get())
fileD.write("Postal Code:\n")
fileD.write("%s\n" % pn.get())
Button(root, bg ="hot pink", text = "Add To Cart", font = 80, borderwidth = 10, relief= "ridge", command = dad).place(relx = 0.2 , rely = 0.2)
到目前为止我们有很多代码,但我们找不到任何东西来记录信息并将其以包含所有类别的收据样式发送到 txt 文档。如果有解决方案,我们找不到 这是我们的代码片段
#second window - rory
def new1():
root = Tk( )
root.geometry( '1100x600+100+100') #where the box will be on the screen
root.resizable (width=False, height=False)
# address - rory
Label (root, text = "Address:").place(relx = 0.3 , rely = 0.5)
Label (root, text = "City:").place(relx = 0.3 , rely = 0.3)
Label (root, text = "Province/Territory:").place(relx = 0.3 , rely = 0.1)
Label (root, text = "Postal Code:").place(relx = 0.3 , rely = 0.7)
Label (root, text = "Phone Number:").place(relx = 0.3 , rely = 0.9)
depot7 = StringVar()
OptionMenu (root, depot7, "British Columbia", "Alberta", "Saskatchewan", "Manitoba","Ontario","Yukon","Northwest Territories","Nunavut","Prince Edward Island","New Brunswick","Quebec","Nova Scotia","Newfoundland and Labrador").place(relx = 0.41 , rely = 0.09)
address1 = Entry(root, width = 30).place(relx = 0.34 , rely = 0.3)
address2 = Entry(root, width = 30).place(relx = 0.36 , rely = 0.5)
address3 = Entry(root, width = 14).place(relx = 0.38 , rely = 0.7)
pn = Entry(root, width = 18).place(relx = 0.39 , rely = 0.9)
#payment - rory
depot11 = StringVar()
Label (root, text = "Type of Payment:").place(relx = 0.65 , rely = 0.1)
OptionMenu (root, depot11, "VISA", "MASTERCARD", "AMERICAN EXPRESS", "DISCOVER").place(relx = 0.75 , rely = 0.09)
Label (root, text = "Name On Card:").place(relx = 0.65 , rely = 0.3)
Label (root, text = "Card Number:").place(relx = 0.65 , rely = 0.5)
Label (root, text = "Expire Date (MM/YY):").place(relx = 0.65 , rely = 0.7)
Label (root, text = "CVV:").place(relx = 0.65 , rely = 0.9)
pay1 = Entry(root, width = 30).place(relx = 0.74 , rely = 0.3)
pay2 = Entry(root, width = 30).place(relx = 0.73 , rely = 0.5)
pay3 = Entry(root, width = 6).place(relx = 0.77 , rely = 0.7)
pay4 = Entry(root, width = 6).place(relx = 0.69 , rely = 0.9)
title = Label(root, text = "Cart", font = 40).place(relx = 0.14 , rely = 0.06)
cart1 = tk.Text(root, width = 30, height = 28, state='disabled').place(relx = 0.05, rely = 0.1)
def dad():
fileD = open("qqqq.txt", "a")
fileD.write("%s\n" % address1.get())
fileD.write("%s\n" % address2.get())
fileD.write("%s\n" % address3.get())
fileD.write("Postal Code:\n")
fileD.write("%s\n" % pn.get())
Button(root, bg ="hot pink", text = "Add To Cart", font = 80, borderwidth = 10, relief= "ridge", command = dad).place(relx = 0.2 , rely = 0.2)