Azure 应用程序见解禁用图标检查

Azure application insights disable favicon check

我有一个常规的 mvc 应用程序。如何禁止应用洞察检查 favicon.ico?

您可以编写自定义 TelemetryFilter 以防止将遥测数据发送到应用程序洞察:

public class CustomTelemetryFilter : ITelemetryProcessor
    private readonly ITelemetryProcessor _next;

    public CustomTelemetryFilter(ITelemetryProcessor next)
        _next = next;

    public void Process(ITelemetry item)
        // Example: process all telemetry except requests to favicon
        var isFavIconUrl = item is RequestTelemetry request && request.Url.ToString().EndsWith("favicon.ico");

        if (!isFavIconUrl)
            _next.Process(item); // Process the item only if it is not the request for favicon
