如何使用 QGraphicsItem 仅在圆圈中绘制网格线

How to draw grid line only in a circle using QGraphicsItem


您好!我目前正在使用 QGraphicsView 和 QGraphicsItem 实现视图小部件。




    for(int x = rect.left(); x <= rect.right(); ++x) {
        painter->drawLine(QPointF(x, rect.top()), QPointF(x, rect.bottom()));

    for(int y = rect.top(); y <= rect.bottom(); ++y) {
        painter->drawLine(QPointF(rect.left(), y), QPointF(rect.right(), y));

这是我目前的状态 --> Current grid line result

我想要的结果看起来像 --> Reuslt example what I want




只是测微仪计算的问题。从 X 或 Y 轴上的位置,您可以使用反正弦和反余弦计算到圆上的点的角度。下面的代码应该可以工作

#include <math.h>

class Point
    double X = 0.0;
    double Y = 0.0;

int main() 
    double radius = 10.0;
    double stepx = 2.0;
    double stepy = 2.0;
    int stepsInX = radius / stepx;
    int stepsInY = radius / stepy;

    // this is just for positive X (need another loop for negative X)
    for (int i = 0; i <= stepsInX; i++)
        double angle = acos(i*stepx / radius);
        double y = radius * sin(angle);
        Point p1;
        p1.X = i * stepx;
        p1.Y = y;
        Point p2;
        p2.X = i * stepx;
        p2.Y = -y;
        drawLine(p1, p2);
    // this is just for positive Y (need another loop for negative Y)
    for (int i = 0; i <= stepsInY; i++)
        double angle = asin(i * stepy / radius);
        double x = radius * cos(angle);
        Point p1;
        p1.X = x;
        p1.Y = i * stepy;
        Point p2;
        p2.X = -x;
        p2.Y = i * stepy;
        drawLine(p1, p2);

void drawLine(Point const& p1, Point const& p2)
    // your code to draw line here