使用 C++20 概念为自定义容器创建迭代器

Creating an Iterator with C++20 Concepts for custom container

C++20 introduces concepts, a smart way to put constraints on the types a template function or class can take in.

While iterator categories and properties remain the same, what changes is how you enforce them: with tags until C++17, with concepts since C++20. For example, instead of the std::forward_iterator_tag tag you would mark your iterator with the std::forward_iterator concept.

The same thing applies to all iterator properties. For example, a Forward Iterator must be std::incrementable. This new mechanism helps in getting better iterator definitions and makes errors from the compiler much more readable.

这段文字摘自这篇文章: https://www.internalpointers.com/post/writing-custom-iterators-modern-cpp

但是作者并没有升级关于如何在C++20上制作自定义迭代器的概念,它仍然是<= C++17标签版本。

谁能举例说明如何在具有概念功能的 C++20 版本中为自定义容器编写自定义迭代器?

总的来说,C++20 定义迭代器的方式取消了显式标记类型,而是依赖概念来检查给定类型是否恰好符合迭代器类别的要求。

这意味着您现在可以安全地 duck-type 获得胜利,同时支持干净的重载解决方案和错误消息:

struct my_iterator {
  // No need for tagging or anything special, just implement the required interface.


#include <iterator>



#include <iterator>

template<std::forward_iterator Ite, std::sentinel_for<Ite> Sen>
void my_algorithm(Ite begin, Sen end) {
 // ...

std::sentinel_for<> 现在用于结束迭代器,而不是两次使用 Ite。它允许有选择地为结束迭代器使用单独的类型,这有时很方便,尤其是对于输入迭代器。


struct end_of_stream_t {};
constexpr end_of_stream_t end_of_stream{};

struct my_input_iterator {
  // N.B. Not a complete implementation, just demonstrating sentinels.
  some_stream_type* data_stream;

  bool operator==(end_of_stream_t) const { return data_stream->empty(); }

template<std::input_iterator Ite, std::sentinel_for<Ite> Sen>
void my_algorithm(Ite begin, Sen end) {
  while(begin != end) {

void foo(some_stream_type& stream) {
  my_algorithm(my_input_iterator{&stream}, end_of_stream);